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The bill board I saw yesterday

Night Elf

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I don't think the ad creators are going to win many converts with that one.  When meat cooks here it has us all drooling from the scrumptious smell.  Veggies rarely do.  We even eat more veggies than meat.


One would have to live near a processing plant or big farm to "get" the meat stinks aspect of it and not many do.  We live in farm country and the bulk of our smelliest times are when the farms are spreading manure on their fields for future crops.  I suppose some of those crops go into animal feed, but quite a bit goes into human food too.

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Probably intended to make people say "wait, no, it's delicious!" and then they pass the plant.  I think it's clever.



Meat can stink!  I live in the country in a 'right to farm' town, and people who mad at their neighbors are always threatening to get hogs, LOL.  I only know of two people who actually went through with it.  One lived next door to a big barn that opened itself up as a wedding venue, with lots of traffic and loud music every weekend.   They started constructing a big hog barn and the wedding place became more agreeable to turning down the noiise.   The other was a case of new, expensive subdevelopment that kept complaining about the broken equipment and junk in a visible neighbors yard.  Big mistake.  Cranky old farmers can be vindictive.

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