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If you audit an online AP class, could you still take the AP Exam?

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Let's say a student decided to switch mid-year to audit status of an AP online class.  They would no longer get to put on their transcript that it was an AP class, so does that also mean that they would no longer be allowed to take the AP Exam come May?



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Let's say a student decided to switch mid-year to audit status of an AP online class.  They would no longer get to put on their transcript that it was an AP class, so does that also mean that they would no longer be allowed to take the AP Exam come May?



Yes, the student could definitely take the AP exam. (My kids have taken AP exams without taking an approved AP course) The biggest hurdle may be finding a school that will let your homeschooled student sit for the exam. My public school system is extremely homeschool friendly, but unfortunately, not every homeschool family resides in a homeschool friendly district.

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Wow, that is really great news, snowbeltmom!  We already have the local public high school that we used last year for an AP exam, so maybe we have a workable solution here!  I will confirm in late Feb./March.


Thanks a lot,



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There is no prerequisite (course requirement) for taking the AP exam. You can self study for the exam. The trickier part is finding a school with the space and willingness to let your child take the exam.

We use a private test center since my district’s high schools already has insufficient space for their own students so I don’t see any point asking.

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You should check with any post-secondary institutions your student may be applying to in future to see what their requirements are.  While the College Board doesn't have a policy regarding taking AP exams without an AP course, some colleges or universities might.  When I was researching for my dd (in Ontario), I found this on the McMaster University website:

Advanced Placement (A.P.) Courses/Examinations

Applicants who have completed AP courses will be considered for admission to a Level I program. Applicants who have completed A.P. exams through the College Board in acceptable courses and achieve a minimum grade of 4 will be considered for up to 18 units of advanced credit. PLEASE NOTE: A.P. results from students who have completed the examinations as a challenge and have not taken the course at high school will not be considered as having completed the required prerequisite courses for admission consideration. For all students who have completed the full AP courses and the examinations through the College Board, an official copy of the final Advanced Placement Examination Results Report from the College Board is required as part of the evaluation process.


I don't know if any other institutions have the same requirement - this was the only one I came across - but they might be out there.  Best to check ahead of time rather than find out when you go to apply that a school won't accept the AP because no course was taken.

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PLEASE NOTE: A.P. results from students who have completed the examinations as a challenge and have not taken the course at high school will not be considered as having completed the required prerequisite courses for admission consideration. For all students who have completed the full AP courses and the examinations through the College Board, an official copy of the final Advanced Placement Examination Results Report from the College Board is required as part of the evaluation process.


I don't know if any other institutions have the same requirement - this was the only one I came across - but they might be out there. Best to check ahead of time rather than find out when you go to apply that a school won't accept the AP because no course was taken.

Well, the student in the original post still seems to be taking the class, just as an auditing student. So, the class is being taken.


I assume, Omma, that you could put "Course Name with ASp exam" on the home school transcript and assign a grade based on the AP score (vs the online class that won't give a grade since the student switched to auditing, right?).


FWIW, I have never seen that wording before. The official report doesn't list the course you took. I don't know how they deal with students who take a non-AP version of the class and then self-study. Why would that be a problem??

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Well, the student in the original post still seems to be taking the class, just as an auditing student. So, the class is being taken.


I assume, Omma, that you could put "Course Name with ASp exam" on the home school transcript and assign a grade based on the AP score (vs the online class that won't give a grade since the student switched to auditing, right?).


FWIW, I have never seen that wording before. The official report doesn't list the course you took. I don't know how they deal with students who take a non-AP version of the class and then self-study. Why would that be a problem??


Honestly, I agree with you. :)  I just thought I'd mention what I had found in case there were other schools out there with a similar sort of policy.  I wouldn't want anyone to find out something like the above after the fact and not be able to go back and do anything about it. KWIM? :)


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Wow, that is really great news, snowbeltmom!  We already have the local public high school that we used last year for an AP exam, so maybe we have a workable solution here!  I will confirm in late Feb./March.




I would not wait that long.  I would call just as soon as school is open again in January.  Schools do not offer all AP exams, and they will change their policies about allowing homeschoolers, even after you have registered.  Get your student registered at a local school asap.  

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