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How do you know when to begin pre-algebra?


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I’m trying to think through my options for math for ds who’ll be 6th grade next year.


This year he’ll finish A Beka Arithmetic 5. His math skills are solid. I don’t think he’ll need another year of arithmetic.


I was thinking about moving forward with pre-algebra, but I’m concerned that might put him upper level math too early.


The only other option I can think of is to do fun math for a year (Challenge Math, Mental Math, etc.) then start pre-algebra in 7th grade.


Would love to hear your thoughts and advice.

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That’s true. It just goes a little further with positive/negative numbers, etc. I think he could do fine in a prealgebra course next year.


I’m just not sure he’d be ready for algebra in 7th grade or geometry in 8th grade, etc. I guess a better question is how do I determine when he should start the formal math sequence of prealgebra, algebra, geometry, etc?


Also, if I wait until 7th grade to start that sequence, what should he do in the meantime? The next book in the A Beka math program is pretty similar to what he’s doing right now. It would be mostly review.

Edited by Jazzy
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When the student has mastered arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) with positive integers. That happens typically around the end of 4th grade.


"Prealgebra" is just a fancy name for arithmetic with fractions and negative numbers.

Edited by regentrude
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Nothing bad will happen if he is moves onto algebra, etc. before when it is typically offered in schools.  There is plenty to learn and plenty of ways to deal with it.  They spend so much time rehashing the basics and then when you get to the harder stuff they pull you through at this break neck speed.  I don't get that.  I would have liked to spend 2 years on geometry rather than 5 years on basic math.  KWIM? 


I always just went onto the next thing. 

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Not all pre-algebra programs are mostly arithmetic. MIF 6 is just 1/3 of their middle school sequence and it covers expanding/factoring/solving algebra equations & inequalities, graphing linear equations, etc. Plus probability, statistics, geometry ... All of that was covered in Holt's middle school sequence as well.

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Not all pre-algebra programs are mostly arithmetic. MIF 6 is just 1/3 of their middle school sequence and it covers expanding/factoring/solving algebra equations & inequalities, graphing linear equations, etc. Plus probability, statistics, geometry ... All of that was covered in Holt's middle school sequence as well.


A lot of math programs cover some of that in their levels below pre-a and in pre-a. 

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With Beast Academy, don’t you have to start at the beginning, though?



Since the 2nd grade books were the last ones to be created, I'm going to say 'no'. That said, we haven't used BA. 


I don't see a problem with starting Pre-Algebra in 6th grade. If necessary, just take 2 years. Or if pre-a goes fine in 6th, but algebra is hard, do 2 years for algebra. I just wouldn't go looking for problems where there aren't any. There are plenty of kids who do pre-a in 6th, algebra in 7th, geometry in 8th, etc without issue. I'd probably take a moment to consider what happens in 9th grade onwards, but if the kid did fine in algebra in 7th and geometry in 8th, I wouldn't foresee an issue continuing on that track. If the kid needs two years for either algebra or geometry, that's fine too. I just would try to make sure the kid wouldn't need to spend 2 years on something in high school, but you're not there yet. 

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With DD13, I did Pre-Algebra (MM) in 5th, Algebra 1 in 6th, then decided to repeat Algebra 1 in 7th just to deepen understanding and prevent her from getting too far ahead. So far, so good. She’s rock-solid with Algebra this year and will move into Geometry next year in 8th.

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I agree there is no reason you couldn't have your student just continue on to pre-Algebra next year and take more time if necessary.  I also agree, though, that you could definitely go deeper using additional materials (such as Beast).  You could also add in or use something from here:




There are a zillion different interesting resources on the thread linked above.  If you have never perused it you ought to.  There might be some really great supplements or even primary resources there that could add some great layers to your child's math experience.

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I was thinking about moving forward with pre-algebra, but I’m concerned that might put him upper level math too early.



My district’s faster track has

algebra 1 in 7th,

geometry in 8th,

algebra 2 in 9th,

Precalculus in 10th

Calculus AB or BC in 11th

Calculus BC or AP Statistics in 12th (school is preparing to add multivariable calculus as an option as well for those who completed Calculus BC )


He could start AoPS prealgebra book (borrow from the library or print the sample chapters from AoPS) in summer and if he doesn’t like the style of AoPS, pick another prealgebra program.


There is a big prealgebra fence straddlers master thread http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/342798-pre-algebra-fence-straddlers-master-thread/

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