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Can you save my cookies?!?


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I did a refrigerated slice and bake recipe. The recipe called for self rising flour. I used all purpose. It didn’t dawn on me until I put them in the oven that I made this mistake. I only baked a couple dozed. We ate them anyway but can I fix the rest if I remix and add baking soda, then rechill and slice?


This was a fruitcake cookie, so it’s an expensive mistake. ☹ï¸

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They tasted ok. I think the extra density worked because it was a fruitcake cookie. My friends gobbled them up and offered to get rid of the rest of the evidence. I was trying to add to my regular cookie repertoire and I’m miffed that I botched these.


ETA THIS is why I cook and don’t bake 😟

Edited by KungFuPanda
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Before we had to switch our house to gluten free,


I hated recipes that called for self rising flour. I always thought just tell me flour and an amount of baking powder like all my other recipes.


I bet there's a cup conversion chart in the back of Joy of Cooking. I bet such a conversion chart is available through Google search. The trick is to figure out how much you've used, then the amount of flour in the remaining dough. Then look up the conversion for the remaining amount. Bring to room temp and knead the baling powder all the way through.


I probably just start over though.

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As long as they aren't falling apart like brittle shortcake, I think you are fine. I think all the fruit saved you. I have one of those slice and bake fruitcake cookies hubby loves and I don't think it takes ANY leavening. At this stage, trying to mix a teaspoon of baking soda into a thick cold dough would be a disaster. Don't try it.

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No, you can't go back and fix the dough.  I've tried that; it just doesn't work right.  


It sound as if they tasted good; people are eating and enjoying them, right?  Then nothing to worry about.  Maybe they are even better this way.  (But I prefer harder cookies to soft puffy ones.)

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They tasted ok. I think the extra density worked because it was a fruitcake cookie. My friends gobbled them up and offered to get rid of the rest of the evidence. I was trying to add to my regular cookie repertoire and I’m miffed that I botched these.


ETA THIS is why I cook and don’t bake 😟

Looks like they were popular!  No failure when folks gobble them up!   :drool5:

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