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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats

worked most of the even problems I assigned to one of my students (so I can check his answers)


To Do:

finish math problems


school with ds

tutor students

take ds to church for practice (every night this week, so no swim)


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Good morning!


•vet appt. - dental work for 5 horses this morning

•absolutely must remember to do some banking today


•laundry - sheets and blankets

•office work

•dinner: Tikka masala

•watch hockey tonight

Edited by Selkie
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Got some work out in the wee hours.

Slept like normal people.

Got up a little late, but the kids made it to the school bus.

A wee wee little bit of housework.

Caught up on social media stuff.

Coffee-ing up.


To do:


Lots of work.

Tire, doc, chiro appts - schedule them already.

Pay bills.

More housework.

A little reading, exercise.

Pick kids up from basketball practice after school.

Kid 1 to horse riding, kid 2 does homework.

Kids to TKD.

Try to fit a walk in there somewhere.

Kids' homework.



Kids to bed.


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Good morning! dd2 has started taper for next week's trip to Jr Nationals, so the schedule is a slightly different. She also has some high school swimming obligations this week. Ds2 has tests this week at cc and ds3 has discovered that his parents might be right about the books he is supposed to read. I have some random things to do today.


To do:

order some presents (I am the personal shopper for dmil)

answer some emails (this is a must do)

ds2 off to cc

paperwork together for ds2

pick up dd2 ? Work with her either geometry or grammar

pick out some new glasses

ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2

take to high school practice

pick up ds3

ds2 to judo


Have a great day!


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 ds3 has discovered that his parents might be right about the books he is supposed to read. 



:lol:  :lol:  :lol:   Good for your ds3.




My day is busy. Already took dd to tutorial, tidied the kitchen, and started laundry. 


school with ds

something fun with ds?!



Walmart (ugh, I hate Walmart!)

dinner prep


appt. mid-afternoon

pick up CSA box


dinner - salmon cakes, potatoes, veggies from the box

Edited by ScoutTN
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I hate ADHD! :crying:  :crying:

Two solid hours into school and ds has finished a math lesson (not well done) and written one sentence of his LA assignment.  With me sitting right beside him for almost all of the time, protein breakfast, no distractions on the table. 


Dh and I are seeing the psych again today and ds sees him next week. I wish I had pursued the evals earlier. 4th grade is pretty much not happening right now.  He just cannot focus. It is so hard seeing a bright kid totally unable to do work that should be a breeze, and paralyzed by frustration and anger.

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Hello, all! Scout, best wishes for your DS.


I went back to work yesterday (M/W shifts) and was exhausted. There's a muscle in my rear I forgot about having and it is reminding me today!! But it is okay, because I have seated work I can do and everyone is really great about helping me out. I do need to pad the handle on my crutch, though. I've also taken a nap today and finished reading a little book. So a very low key morning.


Today I have a presentation in class, so I am working on that. If I have time, I will try to finish the other little assignments left this semester so Thur/Fri I can write a paper due next Tuesday. 


I've felt a lot better over the last week. Being able to get up and out of the house has been really good for me, lol. Plus seeing the light at the end of the semester. :P

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human care done

pet care done

medical care done including filling out ds' pill boxes


sent a "rabbit" to my sister.  (actually to a family in need somewhere around the world)  Scout - I like the "giving Tuesday" thing because someone else with resources matches what I would have given anyway to my sister.


researched the college that ds sprung on us yesterday as a big possibility for the fall. 


sat in front of full spectrum light and then set it up for dd to sit in front of. 


looked up allergy shot hours


now to do first round of kitchen / laundry / paperwork.

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Jean, I thought you were actually going bunny shopping for your sister, which sounds like a lot of fun.  :)


Three loads of laundry are done, with a couple more still in the works.


The vets were here for several hours doing dental work. It went well and all of the horses handled the sedation just fine. I'm glad to have that crossed off my list. 


Ds19 got our new 300 gallon water trough installed, which I am super excited about. #horsenerd


He also graded the paddocks and made some fence repairs.


Went over finances with dh and got our banking done.


Now on to kitchen cleaning, making dinner, and evening chores.





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kitchen - rebooted dishwasher


laundry - folded and put away one load of laundry


paperwork - graded algebra. 

went to grade Anatomy and physiology and discovered that the answer guide i got was to the text and not the lab manual.  I know that I ordered one for the lab manual too but for the life of me I cannot find a "your order has shipped" email regarding it.  And there are no more available anywhere online.  I spent way too much time looking.  So now I'm hoping that I actually get the lab manual answer guide but in the meantime I had better read the chapter and grade today's assignments.  Sigh.


had lunch.


paperwork - made up a mock phone conversation for today's Japanese lesson. 

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kitchen - washed handwashables., wiped down counters.  took out garbage and recycling. 


laundry - brought dry clothing up.  Dd took her wet load from washer and put it in the dryer. 


school - taught Japanese


other - dropped dd off at babysitting.  Went grocery shopping. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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SamanthaCarter, that is flat out amazing!! 


Before I saw your incredible house, I though I had a pretty productive day! Emails sent, a few gifts ordered,  school with ds3, kitchen cleaned, laundry running, athletes to practices, and dinner figured out (though not started).



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