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Is 30 net carbs low enough to put me in ketosis?


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I've been lurking on the Ketogenic Dieters page on FB for a year now. I've been too scared to try it because it seemed--I don't know--unnatural or something. Also, they limit carbs to 20 net per day. My macros on their WOE would be 120 protein, 75 fat, 20 net carbs at 1235 calories a day.  I tried to follow it for a couple of days and couldn't keep it up. Too much protein. And I have no desire to do the super high fat plans either. Both are too extreme for me.


So one day I decided to do a little research elsewhere about keto diets and found a site that described ketosis as more of a range--not an absolute you are in or out. That site said some people can be in ketosis at up to 100 carbs per day--but ideally 20-50. I don't know if this site can be trusted, but it seemed reasonable to me.


I decided to tweak my macro goals on My Fitness Pal and came up with 90g protein, 80g fat, and 30g carbs. That's right at 1200 calories. I still think I will have trouble getting in that much protein, but this is much more realistic for me. It's just not quite as extreme, so I'm much more likely to stick with it.


I'm on my third day. I haven't experienced much keto flu symptoms. Had a mild headache today and felt sleepy. Drank a cup of bullion and I feel fine now. I've been taking a magnesium supplement, too. 


Do you think 30 carbs is low enough? I wan't to burn fat! I've been stuck at my current weight for months after losing a whopping 5 lbs. I only need to lose 25 more pounds.


ETA: I don't mind sharing-- I'm late 40's, 5' 5" tall. About a year and a half ago I had a dramatic weight gain. I went from 115 lbs (which I had been that for many years) to 150 in less than a year. :(  Managed to lose a little. For a long time I've been at 145. Three days ago I started this diet, and this morning i weighed 142. Water weight, I'm guessing???

Edited by stephensgirls
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I’ve BTDT with ketosis and yes 30g is enough to get there. In my opinion when in doubt eat more fat not protein and don’t worry about calories the first week. Really. It’s counter intuitive after traditional restrictive diets but for the first bit. And I will also comment that 1200 is really low. I won’t lecture you but make sure you’re getting enough. If you feel ok you’re probably fine.


It usually took me 3 days max to feel keto flu but broth instantly helped. So you might be there and since you had broth it helps your electrolyte Balance before you felt too bad.


BUT I was usually eating low carb before cutting lower to ketosis. So if you were eating a higher carb diet prior to starting it may take longer.


I will also comment that you will lose weight even on a LCHF diet that is not ketosis. It may just be a slower start.


Good luck! The first week is the hardest and then once those carb cravings go away, your energy will increase and you’ll probably feel great! Once you start seeing results it helps keep you motivated.

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Thanks! You've been very helpful.


I will keep in mind what you are saying about the 1200 being low. That's what MFP recommended for me to lose a pound a week. So far, even at 1200 calories, the only time I really feel hungry is first thing in the morning. I haven't eaten since noon, and I'm still not hungry. Since I'm not eating any wasted calories it feels like plenty of food. 

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If you're interested this book is really good: The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living by Jeff S. Volek, PhD, RD and Stephen D.  Phinney, MD, PhD.


This book is about the science of why low carbohydrate diets work. It does have the rather dense technical scientific stuff, but one doesn't need to understand every word of it for the gist to make sense.

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It probably IS individual, but yes I believe most can.


You can test for ketones in your urine (they sell strips in pharmacies or on-line).


Low carb works well for me, but I don't even count carbs.  I basically just stick to low carb foods.  I don't count macros either.  I just eat.  I could not be bothered.  I lost about 45 pounds in the past year. 

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It probably IS individual, but yes I believe most can.


You can test for ketones in your urine (they sell strips in pharmacies or on-line).


Low carb works well for me, but I don't even count carbs.  I basically just stick to low carb foods.  I don't count macros either.  I just eat.  I could not be bothered.  I lost about 45 pounds in the past year. 


I should get the strips. I'm curious. 


Interesting that you were able to lose weight w/out counting carbs. That FB group I follow--they are constantly preaching WEIGH, WEIGH, WEIGH (your food, that is) and TRACK, TRACK, TRACK. So I'm stuck in that mindset for now. I think I'll be able to ease up on the counting and tracking after I've lost some weight, and have a good idea of the amounts and kinds of foods I can eat. 


I wouldn't even dare post a question like this on that group because they are very rigid in their rules. My 30g of carbs wouldn't fly.

Edited by stephensgirls
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I use the Precision Xtra monitor to test my blood ketones. It’s like a blood glucose monitor except the strips are a lot pricier. Afternoons are usually higher for me.


I would think 30 g of carb would be fine, and frankly, have found that when I’m in ketosis, I can eat a lot and lose fat provided I’m eating fattier foods like avocados, fish, nuts, butter. It’s weird but works well for me.

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When I started out I first heard that 50 grams of carbs or lower could get me into Ketosis, so that's where I started and it worked for me. I tested I was in  ketosis by using a Ketonix.

I no longer track. Once I became fat adapted I knew what it looks like and I haven't changed the foods I eat by that much.

(It was Dr Pompa who said 50 carbs)

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I’ve heard anything under 50 is enough for most people.


I stay between 20 - 30, and eat about 1200 calories. I can’t recall the rest of my macros, I track it on an app.


The strips are helpful.


I do weigh most mornings and enter it in my app, it just helps me see trends, and evens out the ups and downs.


Good luck!

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I should get the strips. I'm curious. 


Interesting that you were able to lose weight w/out counting carbs. That FB group I follow--they are constantly preaching WEIGH, WEIGH, WEIGH (your food, that is) and TRACK, TRACK, TRACK. So I'm stuck in that mindset for now. I think I'll be able to ease up on the counting and tracking after I've lost some weight, and have a good idea of the amounts and kinds of foods I can eat. 


I wouldn't even dare post a question like this on that group because they are very rigid in their rules. My 30g of carbs wouldn't fly.


The FB groups are the worst.  IMO when some get like that they have simply exchanged one obsession (food) with another (dieting frenzy). 


I do not weigh weigh weigh either.  My rule is once a month.  I hate obsessing about weight.  And your weight will fluctuate.  It'll go up and down and you'll swear nothing is working and figure it must be the extra 2 carbs you had (which is highly unlikely).  And when you get close to goal it'll take 10x as long as all the other time you spent on it and you'll be told to resort to starving yourself (and how healthy that is) or eating only eggs for weeks.  BTDT...


I'm in a few groups for recipe ideas only.  Otherwise the dieting advice is the worst.

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Sparkly, can you share you typical meals and favorites?


I stick to mostly vegetables, meat, cheese, nuts and nut flours, full fat yogurt, and eggs. Not a "purist" by any stretch so I do sometimes have stuff like low carb ice cream, low carb wraps, and the low carb bars from Aldi.  Typical meals.  Hmmm...  Well tonight I'm making pasta sauce with sausage (home made) and topping that on spaghetti squash.  Often I'll have some sort of meat with 2 veg sides.  There are tons of recipes out there for things like low carb pizza, breads, etc.  I sometimes get creative, but then sometimes I just eat the same stuff over and over again.

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