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Toaster oven recommendation?


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I have not had a toaster oven in many years but I think I want one now. More often than not family members are eating at odd times and many individual meals get heated up in our main oven. I'd like something that can both replace our ancient toaster and be useful for heating up small portions of leftovers, frozen chicken tenders, fries, pizza. My nine year old is good at taking care of herself and likes to be independent but she still has trouble using our large oven. I think she could use a toaster oven quite a bit.


Amy recommendations? They look a lot fancier than 20 years ago when I last looked!


I'm not even sure what features I am looking for. So if you have one you love (or like) let me know :)


Thank you!

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Breville.  I bought the best model they had 5 years ago and to say we have used it multiple times a day for all 5 years is an understatement.  I use that thing ALL THE TIME.  I rarely even use my big oven much anymore.


It cooks a 12" pizza

8 slices of toast

a 9x13 casserole or cake

a whole chicken

a bundt cake


And the list is endless.  It is a convection oven and toaster oven.

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Oster is what I have and it has kind of a "belly" in the back so it fits a 9 x 13 pan. Had it two years now. No Regrets.

Convection, Defrost, Toast.

You can start to bake something and set the time to finish and it won't burn if you are gone or miss the beep. 2 racks & removable crumb / whatever tray on bottom.

We even bake bread in it. I also hardly use the wall oven now.



Edited by Liz CA
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Breville. I bought the best model they had 5 years ago and to say we have used it multiple times a day for all 5 years is an understatement. I use that thing ALL THE TIME. I rarely even use my big oven much anymore.


It cooks a 12" pizza

8 slices of toast

a 9x13 casserole or cake

a whole chicken

a bundt cake


And the list is endless. It is a convection oven and toaster oven.

This^. I bought mine because of the recommendations here and we love it. It gets used all the time and I love that it can handle some larger things when it’s hot outside and I don’t want to heat the house with my wall oven

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If it is any help...I've had 2 of the little Black and Decker ones, the kind that cost about $30/or less on sale. They can't fit a big cake or pizza and we use them mostly for reheating.


We had the first one for 8 years and the second one is now about 2 years old.


It can be yours for pennies a day!

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We had a Cuisinart convection toaster oven that I really liked. I got rid of it about a year ago because I wanted my counter space back and because we don't use one like we used to, but when I did use it regularly I loved it. I bought a much smaller one that gets used mainly for toast and for heating small amounts of food because that's what fits our lifestyle now, but I'd recommend the Cuisinart convection oven for someone who uses a toaster oven often (and who needs a bigger one). Mine had baking stones built in on the sides but I don't see anything like that now.

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