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Well Trained Bodies (Diet & exercise) - Nov. 2017


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I did 3 sets of the Beginner MovNat Combo here, it took me around 20 min. I did all progressive exercises except the hang, I might be able to still do knee tucks but I like to build slowly with abs since I've not been very active the last couple of months. I had dd3 on my back for the balance beam. Still plan some walking or biking.


Weight is still up 3 lbs, it seems unlikely that this is all Thanksgiving indulgence, I didn't eat that much extra food. But we'll see I'm also a little wonky obviously w/ my sleep being so crazy and who knows about my hormones. I'm trying to eat well and be as active as I can manage. 


re: Motivation- I had another thought this morning. Especially for Laurie maybe you should change things up? Maybe instead of focusing on doing all the right things change the focus to choosing an activity just for fun and throw out I need to do this and this and this, just like this. More generally I switch things up a lot b/c being active is my major goal and if it gets to where I put that off b/c I don't like what I'm doing I'm missing the point. Our bodies also become conditioned to what we do so changing things up is good for our brain and bodies. I seen this advertisement today for some local ballroom dancing and I thought perhaps I ought to check that out. I'm known for being uncoordinated but have always wanted to be able to dance. There are a million activities out there, a million ways to move your body and use your muscles.

Over the past couple of days I’ve walked, been to karate, and worked on deep cleaning my house. Eating is getting better but still not where it should be. Motivation is low for any of it. I can’t seem to figure out a good time for exercise or what to eat instead of what I shouldn’t eat. I’ve been sugar free before, I’ve done two Whole30s, I’ve stuck with pretty intense workout programs for several months at a time but for some reason it just seems so unbelievably hard right now to do any of this things, even though I know I’ll feel better if I do.

Maybe just focus on whole foods instead of any particular diet? 



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DH was busy at work yesterday, so I stayed home in the evening. I was surprised by my very strong desire to throw a temper tantrum when I realized I couldn't go  fence. Sometimes adulting is hard. I did compensate by decluttering our bedroom. I think I do my best cleaning when I am in a bad mood. Still, it really caught me by surprise, I thought I was more reasonable than that.


I am back to my pre-Thanksgiving weight. I also think that I have a bit less padding on my sides, although the total weight is about the same. I can dream, right? :)

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Baby steps were taken today.


I went and took care of my inactive YMCA account. It is now active and I can begin using the facilities again.

I signed up for the Lazyman Triathlon for January 2018.


Then I went out for a chai.  


I'm supposed to play tennis tonight but we have an odd number. If someone doesn't agree to sub, I'll step out of the lineup to make the numbers even.

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Maybe just focus on whole foods instead of any particular diet?

That’s pretty much the plan. I just don’t feel like doing it. I’m craving sugar and junk and have no interest in chopping vegetables or doing any other meal prep, though I’m doing it anyway. I haven’t had much processed sugar over the past couple of days which has led to a sugar withdrawal headache today. (Typical for me when I cut sugar) That’s actually kinda motivating. Once I get over this hump I really don’t want to have to do it again so I might as well keep going.

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I planned ahead to do my deadlifting during my lunch break. I only did 3 sets of 3 because I had some discomfort in my lower back after the first set. The weights weren't on tightly and the bar kind of wobbled. I fixed that but didn't want to push things with my back. It felt fine after a few minutes. I think I'm going to make an appt. with a personal trainer to have her watch my form, etc. because I've pretty much plateaued at the same weight. 


Zumba tonight. It was fun as always. Good cardio & flexibility is included!  

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Walking in the afternoon- not sure how long total. Dd joined me for a bit we went up and down the hills around our house, then I walked a bit by myself, and lastly dh joined me for a short walk along the road.


We'll see what today holds, we're going to try and get school done early and head in for shopping, may or may not hit the park too.


eta- And I slept again last night, not as long but not too bad. I probably slept around 7.5 hrs. I woke up around 4:15 which is a wee early for me but miles better than 1:45!!!


IThat’s pretty much the plan. I just don’t feel like doing it. I’m craving sugar and junk and have no interest in chopping vegetables or doing any other meal prep, though I’m doing it anyway. I haven’t had much processed sugar over the past couple of days which has led to a sugar withdrawal headache today. (Typical for me when I cut sugar) That’s actually kinda motivating. Once I get over this hump I really don’t want to have to do it again so I might as well keep going.

How about splurging and buying some health convenience foods? Pre-chopped veggies, steamer bags, maybe some healthy treats for a splurge??

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Dh and I walked the dog yesterday for about 1.5 miles. It was a start.


Today, I went to the Y (yay!) and did a 5K on the treadmill and had an 8 minute massage in the massage chair.


I'm beginning a 30 day self-assessment tomorrow. I know doing things like this during the holidays are usually doomed from the beginning but it's what I have to work with. I also hope to post here for accountability. If anyone is interested in being an accountability partner, private message me and we can work out the details.


I'll begin the thread tomorrow (I promise).



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Dh and I walked the dog yesterday for about 1.5 miles. It was a start.


Today, I went to the Y (yay!) and did a 5K on the treadmill and had an 8 minute massage in the massage chair.


I'm beginning a 30 day self-assessment tomorrow. I know doing things like this during the holidays are usually doomed from the beginning but it's what I have to work with. I also hope to post here for accountability. If anyone is interested in being an accountability partner, private message me and we can work out the details.


I'll begin the thread tomorrow (I promise).


Is a 30 day self-assessment a "thing" or do you mean it generally? 

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Is a 30 day self-assessment a "thing" or do you mean it generally? 

Generally. I'm going to track (to the best of my ability) exercise, food, mood, cravings and other things that I think are contributing to my general dysphoria and lack of motivation. I am usually a goal setter and a challenge monger but I don't want to set myself up to fail at the moment. I figure doing an assessment and being more mindful will be better.


I'm going to work toward a certain number of workouts, eating better, and being intentional about my choices.

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I fenced yesterday and did 18 minutes on my stationary bike. I plan to get to 30 minutes eventually, and then start ramping up intensity. I found that doing it as intervals breaks the monotony enough for me to almost like it. Today I had a private lesson, and hopefully will do core/abs workout a little later.

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I kind of blew it yesterday regarding diet and exercise, but am back on track today. This morning I rowed for an hour, just barely over 10,000 meters, and have been good with my eating.


I bought an Instant Pot on Black Friday and tried it for the first time today. I made Kalua Pork for dinner with roasted brussel sprouts - yum.

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I fenced yesterday and did 18 minutes on my stationary bike. I plan to get to 30 minutes eventually, and then start ramping up intensity. I found that doing it as intervals breaks the monotony enough for me to almost like it. Today I had a private lesson, and hopefully will do core/abs workout a little later.


That is totally me on a machine. So it's nice that intervals are so good for you!

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Did upper body only tonight. Started really late and did better than the past 3 or 4 times. Go figure. I wanted to do a hike but couldn't find a buddy. I ended up spending the last hour after work then socializing. That's good for me too. I can definitely err on the side of tons of alone time without being unhappy at all. But I know social connections are important. 

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How about splurging and buying some health convenience foods? Pre-chopped veggies, steamer bags, maybe some healthy treats for a splurge??

Our grocery budget is pretty tight but I’m going to try to do this as much as possible to help me get things going again. I’ve stocked up on frozen vegetables, baby carrots and baby peppers, and canned beans. I’m also trying to stick with simple meals. Last night we had spaghetti with whole wheat pasta. I also bought the sugar free pasta sauce at Aldi and added extra veggies. Tonight DH grilled chicken and we we had baked potatoes topped with broccoli, peppers, peas, and green onion. Both pretty healthy meals that were fast to prepare. I’m going to try to do more of that sort of thing.


No exercise for the past two days. Probably not tomorrow either. I’ve been doing a lot of work around the house though to get it ready to sell so that’ll have to count.

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I'm finally able to exercise again after being sick for a few days. I feels so good to have the energy and wellness to be physically active again!  I've been getting back into the exercise routine very gently by walking. I play tennis this evening with the competitive league. I'm subbing for another team. I hope I haven't lost too much fitness in the last week.  :o

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