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The Can This Be Over Yet? Teachers Lounge 10-27-2017


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Today's theme stems from the Continuing Kidney Saga of this week. *sigh*

Another rough night last night. This will be over soon, right? RIGHT?? Just say yes.


What do you wish was over already? Here: see above! 


Who else has called school a wash this week? Here: me! Mostly. DS has done his reading assignments but I think that's it.

DD has worked on psychology and I think that's it. I just don't have the energy to crack the whip due to these stupid kidney stones!

Be gone already! Isn't there a Shakespeare quote telling something to be gone?


Plans for the weekend? Here: there's an RV Show I'd like to go to but we'll see how I'm feeling. I'm also supposed to have a NaNoWriMo Prep & Survival

workshop here on Sunday but I haven't done anything with the house this week like I'd planned. Due to my health issues, and a low RSVP rate, I may just cancel it. Sadly. I was really looking forward to it! :sad:


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Yes it will be over soon.


I wish our house projects would be over soon. I just want to put the house on the market and move on to something that better fits our needs!.


School has been a wash for a few weeks for us but the kids are still so young don't worry about it. I do need to get back to a little bit of structure mainly because it helps the day run more smoothly. But house projects throw that off so much.


We started our weekend off with our homeschool group at a nursing home. The kids dressed up in costume and visited many of the residents. It was a wonderful service project to do as a group. The kids had a good time even if at first it was out of their comfort zone. Once they warmed up to the situation it was hard to get them to leave, ha.


Tonight the kids are sleeping over at my parents so dh and I can hang out with friends. Tomorrow there is a costume party at dh's work for the kids. And Sunday we have a fun Halloween parade in town. I'm tired just thinking about all of it!

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Ugh scrap...


We had an unexpected pet death, I've been stressing about that trying to figure out what if anything we did wrong and hopefully prevent anything going wrong with the others.


It was a bad fire danger day so I was stressed about that all day. I ended up with a major headache and vomiting. Hoping it was headache induced vomiting not a bug but given DH was ill earlier on this week I suspect bug.


So lots of things I was wishing were over. Though none as bad as kidney stones I guess. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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Wishing this to be over for Scrap.


We had a good week schooling and ds is having a French and Calc one only day.


This weekend we are working again in my mom's business to get it ready for the sale. Nov.4th is the deadline. Once that is over, we only need to help for a couple more days if there are people coming back to pick up items they couldn't transport before. We have a couple of huge farming businesses taking several pallets of pipe so they will not be able to get it all on one trailer and will make multiple trips.


I will be glad when it is over and mom officially resigns.

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Well, not a whole lot compares to wishing away kidney stones.


I'll be glad when this bizarre flea infestation is gone.  I've never had indoor cats randomly get fleas before and it's not fun.  I just hope they're entirely gone by Christmas (it can take 2-3 months for them to be gone.)  I don't want any fleas getting into the Christmas decorations.

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We have a Trunk or Treat tonight and I was just finishing the last touches on costumes and I burned my fingers with the glue gun.  Acouple small blisters on three fingers and a HUGE blister across the entire pad of my left index finger.  I'm sitting with my hand in a bowl of aloe with lidocaine.  Its been hours and still throbs.


All Halloween this weekend.  Trunk tonight, kids have party at tkd tomorrow, then church and ds has another party at youth group.

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Today's theme stems from the Continuing Kidney Saga of this week. *sigh*

Another rough night last night. This will be over soon, right? RIGHT?? Just say yes. 




What do you wish was over already? Here: see above! 


Dry weather. I'm ready for some good, rainy, November days.


Who else has called school a wash this week? Here: me! Mostly. DS has done his reading assignments but I think that's it.

DD has worked on psychology and I think that's it. I just don't have the energy to crack the whip due to these stupid kidney stones!

Be gone already! Isn't there a Shakespeare quote telling something to be gone?


Out, out, d*** spot! We are off school next week for a scheduled break. I may have scheduled the day a bit light on purpose.


Plans for the weekend? Here: there's an RV Show I'd like to go to but we'll see how I'm feeling. I'm also supposed to have a NaNoWriMo Prep & Survival

workshop here on Sunday but I haven't done anything with the house this week like I'd planned. Due to my health issues, and a low RSVP rate, I may just cancel it. Sadly. I was really looking forward to it! :sad:


Working. A chili dinner with family. NaNo prep, playing around with themes and trying to organize my thoughts for where the story maybe going, provided my main character doesn't trip me, send me sprawling, and then sit back on his heels cackling like a madman at my foolishness. He should know better. I'll just make him suffer more for it.


Talk to me! :bigear:

It's cold and windy, but nary a drop of rain. I want hot chocolate, but don't have any. Yet. I plan to make a little side trip tomorrow just for that purpose.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I found a two year old bottle of hydrocodone in our medicine box this afternoon and took one! I would have steeped some kava kava instead,

but even though I know I have some, I can't find it. I just need to not.be.in.pain.

FINALLY, some relief! Both kids are at their various activities and have rides home so I can just sit back and relax now, finally.

Currently spooning some grass-fed strawberry pomegranate yogurt. Not a huge fan of the the taste of yogurt but I'm downing it to replace the good

bacteria after taking the antibiotics (naturally sourced).


some day this will all be just a memory. . . 


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Wish was over already? The coughing leftover from having bronchitis.  And the general run down feeling and not quite breathing properly yet.


School a Wash: Not here.  This week actually went really well.  Today we made a solar system by painting various sizes of styrofoam balls to look like the planets.  Once we're done with it, we're giving it to my friend's 3 year old.  She's obsessed with the solar system and her room is decorated with planets and stars and asteroids and what not.


Weekend plans: Ani and Cameron work tomorrow at two different taekwondo schools.  Cameron has demo team in the afternoon.  It's the last practice before competition I think.  We're going to take our annual school photos tomorrow evening.  Sunday is church.  It's the children's program week.  This is the last time Fritz will be in that age group.

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Dorothy, I read your post around 2:15pm and it jarred my memory: my daughter should have been at the dojang (tkd dojo) at 1:30pm to help with the party set up!

I quickly called her downstairs and then called the dojang. Thankfully, Master Sanborn said they had just arrived too so we really weren't late. *whew*

So I'm glad you posted about your TKD event or I would have totally spaced it. See what pain does to me!

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Scrap, I hope things go better for you.


I spent my afternoon at the laundromat to finish washing everything that had not been washed yet in the move (I wash EVERYTHING after a move...just a thing). Transferring files to Calibre right now. Hubby and kids cleaned the living and dining rooms, rearranging the former.

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