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The Monday Night Football Teachers Lounge 9-25-2017


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Good morning, Happy Monday, and welcome to the Lounge!


Did you think today's theme stems from me being a football fan? Or the recent controversy

regarding the NFL? Neither! I work at the University of Phoenix Stadium, Home of the Arizona Cardinals,

and there is a game tonight. Regardless of what I think of the NFL hullabaloo, I still have bills to pay!

And I enjoy my work as a security guard there. I work with a GREAT bunch of people!  :patriot:


Who else is working outside the home today? Here: see above. It's not the only thing I do to create income but it's what I'm 

doing today!


How was your weekend? Here: sleepy! Well, Saturday I went on the edible garden tour, then I went to a seed exchange. Then I came home and 

took a nap. Sunday afternoon I took a nap, too, after church and a visit to Costco. Must have been a weekend for rest!  :sleep:


What is one of your favorite movie quotes? Here: from Labyrinth (1986 movie), after Sarah says, "It's not FAIR!" Jareth replies with, "You say that

so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is." I said exactly that a couple of years later to a girl I knew because she also said "It's not fair" WAY 

too often!  :D


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Morning. I am not working outside the home today and won't be until November 1, but then I'll be pet sitting g overnight at someone's house for 5 nights. I love that time away!


Our weekend was a mixture of good and bad. The bad, we didn't finish the kitchen. A combination of starting too late in the day and coming across a huge issue with the countertop that we had to find a solution for. We found the solution and fixed it but didn't have time to secure the countertop to the cabinets or hook up the sink. Slowly but surely.


The good, we took our oldest 3, a nice, and nephew to see the Ninjago movie. All the kids are huge fans of the show, I actually like the show too. The kids all thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Dh and I were quite disappointed in how poorly done compared to the show it was but there were a few good parts that made me laugh. I also get a lot of joy out of watching my kids enjoy themselves entirely.


" Yeah, Well, that's just like your opinion, man." The Big Lebowski. I use this quote often and could probably find a reason to say it every day if I felt so inclined. It is one of my favorite movies.

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Morning. I am not working outside the home today and won't be until November 1, but then I'll be pet sitting g overnight at someone's house for 5 nights. I love that time away!


Our weekend was a mixture of good and bad. The bad, we didn't finish the kitchen. A combination of starting too late in the day and coming across a huge issue with the countertop that we had to find a solution for. We found the solution and fixed it but didn't have time to secure the countertop to the cabinets or hook up the sink. Slowly but surely.


The good, we took our oldest 3, a nice, and nephew to see the Ninjago movie. All the kids are huge fans of the show, I actually like the show too. The kids all thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Dh and I were quite disappointed in how poorly done compared to the show it was but there were a few good parts that made me laugh. I also get a lot of joy out of watching my kids enjoy themselves entirely.


" Yeah, Well, that's just like your opinion, man." The Big Lebowski. I use this quote often and could probably find a reason to say it every day if I felt so inclined. It is one of my favorite movies.

My kids like Ninjago. I didnt realize there was a movie out. Oldest ds is going to be the red one for Halloween. It has cute lego hand gloves.

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Hi Scrap!


Working. Not today. I work for my church, so Wed and Sundays with a few other days here snd there.


Weekend. Nice. Ordinary and unrushed. Chores, church, nap etc.


Movie quote. Hmmm, hard to choose.

From the Princess Bride "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."


No MNF here anymore because Dh and ds have scouts on Mondays. Sometimes Dd and I use the free night to watch a chick flick!

Edited by ScoutTN
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Elizabeth, not everyone will relate to each day's theme and that's okay! We're glad you popped in to say, "Hi!"  :seeya:

If you can figure out how to post a pic of those LEGO hand gloves, I'd love to see them!


Now, I need to make sure all my stuff is reading for work:

*my own lunch (having to eat gluten-free and corn-free requires this)

*my Guard card

*my uniform: pants, white shirt, hat, black socks, black shoes, black belt

and make sure I eat enough calories for lunch so I'm not total toast by the time work is over!

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Good morning! (Barely here)


I'm not home today, but it's not work. I'm at my sister's in north Atlanta and I'm heading to Chatsworth, GA later this afternoon. Our family still owns my grandmother's home, and we are meeting a man who runs estate sales to see if there is enough stuff there to have one and make it worth while. We hope to put the house up for sale soon. I'll have to go home late tonight because I tutor in the morning. Driving through Atlanta is easier at night anyway. 


The weekend was great! We had our missions conference, and it was great meeting our missions partners and hearing about their ministries. I'm amazed at the different avenues God uses to reach others. They are as different as night and day. 


My favorite movie quote is Sam's speech near the end of the Two Towers. I'm especially feeling it in the midst of all the mess that I see going on. I don't think the evil that is trying to destroy us lies in standing or kneeling or many other controversies, but in hating someone who doesn't agree with you. There is some good in this world, and I think it's worth fighting for. 



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Working out of the home today: Nope. I'm not even working in the home today (I baby-sit T/Th afternoons).


Weekend: Quite good.  Jamie and I went downtown and walked around a bit on Saturday night.  We didn't even go down to the River Walk.  We just stayed on the surface.  Pro-tip: When walking around a city in a dress, avoid the air vents in the sidewalks.  You will end up doing a Marilyn Monroe.


Favorite Movie Quote: "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should." -Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park


ETA: No one here will be watching football tonight... or ever.  Because we don't like football lol

Edited by Butter
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Elizabeth, not everyone will relate to each day's theme and that's okay! We're glad you popped in to say, "Hi!" :seeya:

If you can figure out how to post a pic of those LEGO hand gloves, I'd love to see them!


Now, I need to make sure all my stuff is reading for work:

*my own lunch (having to eat gluten-free and corn-free requires this)

*my Guard card

*my uniform: pants, white shirt, hat, black socks, black shoes, black belt

and make sure I eat enough calories for lunch so I'm not total toast by the time work is over!

I will have to see what I can do about a picture.

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Hi everyone,


Work?  Not today.  I worked yesterday and work a full shift tomorrow.  Tea anyone?  I do have a bit of studying to do today and a trip to the library to pick up the Big Little Lies DVD that I have been waiting for.  (woo hoo - my study rewards!!)  Then I take dd to climbing practice.    I plan to get in a little studying there too and hope to find a partner to climb with.All of this depends on whether dd is well enough to go to practice.  She had a relapse on her cold from last week and could use the rest.   I probably won't watch football.  Although I used to love football, the more I have learned about the long-term effects of the sport, the less I want to watch it.  


Weekend?  It was ok.  Went out to dinner with hubby for dinner on Friday night and then we did one of our old dates ... we went to browse at our local independent book store.  I splurged on a book that I bought as a gift for a friend, but never had a chance to read it myself.  It is Push by Tommy Caldwell (of the Dawn Wall fame among other things.)  I spent all day studying because I was behind in my class and had two weeks worth of quizzes to take.  I finished at 11:30 on Saturday night (with 29 minutes to spare.)  Then I had to work on Sunday.  It was an ok day, except for this one co-worker who tends to hog sales.  Then I feel pressure to be more aggressive than is my usual manner and I have trouble making real connections with people.  


Favorite movie quote?  It's funny.  I have so many quotes popping into my head, but I can't say that any of them qualify as a "favorite quote."  A smattering ...

"Put it up to 11."  This is Spinal Tap.

"This is the start of a beautiful friendship."  (Casablanca)

"You is kind. You is smart. You is important." (The Help.  I could have use this sentiment when I was a kid.)

"Have fun storming the castle!"  (do I even need to say it?)  


I could go on.  



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