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Disappointing family is very difficult ...maybe JAWM


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My family is relocating across the country. I am about to go tell my grandmother and I am dreading it. Were it 10 years ago, I know she would be sad, but happy for my family. Now, I am her main support (although my mother/her daughter lives even closer than I do) and her mind is declining which sometimes results in uncontrolled anger. My mom has promised me to make a bigger effort to see and support her, but they have a rocky relationship and my grandmother is going to be upset about it. I know that we're doing the right thing, even if it means upsetting her. It's just hard. She's 94 and is going to say things like "Well if I can't see you and the girls I would rather be dead." I've put it off until things were set. It's going to be so hard. Prayers appreciated.

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I get this. It is especially hard with elderly relatives because we know their health can fail fast. Some of them also don't use technology as we are used to nowadays. My grandmother was nearly deaf, she could not really even use the phone. We wrote a lot of letters - yes on paper - and today, many years after her passing, I still read them now and then.

Can your grandmother talk on the phone? Can someone help her to skype with you?

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Your good thoughts and prayers worked! She was like she was 10 years ago. Sad, yes, but so happy for me. Genuinely happy. I'm going to get her an iPad so that she can FaceTime us. She *can* talk on the phone, but it's very difficult. Mostly she reads lips, so I'm hopeful that FaceTime will work. Thank you! 

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I'm glad she had the reaction you hoped for!  I hope Face Time works well for you.  A relative tried to do the same thing for an older relative of mine, and it's been very difficult for her to adjust to using the iPad.  I encourage you to get her very comfortable with it before you move.  You may want to write out very simple, clear instructions on how to use it, and teach your mom, too, so she she can help Grandma remember when she forgets.



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