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Shakespeare Snacks!


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Our local theatre company is producing "As You Like It" as an outdoor show this summer, so, of course... there must be themed snacks for my family to picnic on while we enjoy the play.


In keeping with the Forest of Arden, we will be eating...


- Hedgehog-shaped cheese ball with slivered almonds for spikes (surprisingly easy) with veggies and pretzels

- "Toadstools" made from hollowed cocktail tomatoes and cheese string stems, to be dipped in garlic olive oil and coarse salt for "spots"

- Forest berry toothpick kabobs and cream cheese dip

- Acorn-shaped sweets involving chocolate kisses for the "base" and small round cookies as "caps"

- Punch with pineapple juice, lime, and green maraschino cherries


I just thought I'd share that with people who might think it's cool. I'm a tiny bit proud of myself, even though I got all of the ideas online.


We used "Simply Charlotte Mason" study guide and printable scripts, combined with Archangel audio production (through audible), to study the play before seeing it. The kids understood the language and plots with surprising ease. We are all looking forward to the performance!


I'll let you know how it goes!

Edited by bolt.
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LOVE this! We are doing 4 Shakespeare parties this upcoming school year, and have only just begun the planning, but themed food is definitely on the list. Will have to come back and share when we have a more thought-out menu . . . so exciting! 


We are also hoping to incorporate Shakespearean flowers (it's a girls' thing).

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I'm pleased to report that the kids both loved and understood the whole play! I'm so happy with my first homeschooling Shakespeare experience. I've been very pleased with the Simply Charlotte Mason approach, and the proof is in the pudding. This is definitely how you raise kids who love Shakespeare.


The SCM approach is very simple. You intro the whole story of the play, then bit-by-bit you straight-up tell the kids what's going to happen in a short (10-15 min) chunk of the play, then you all read along while listening to an audio production. After the read-through is complete, you watch the play. That's it.


It's deceptively easy. Because you keep giving the kids the information they need to make good inferences whenever they don't understand something, they just think that it's normal to make correct inferences and keep listening. The play makes perfect sense, and before long, they really do easily understand the archaic language. My kids were like, "What could possibly be confusing about this?"

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This was our first year to go to summer Shakespeare and I was surprised at the food spreads people brought. Quite a few people had small tables that they filled with wine, cheese, crackers, olives, fried chicken, pizza (there must have been a pizza place nearby because people kept bringing it in), all kinds of things. We brought PB&J. Definitely unprepared! LOL

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