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The Day of Meetings Teachers Lounge 8-24-2017


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!



Today's theme stems from . . .

Well, today has me out of the house more than I'm in it!

Last night dh invited me to a Coffee with a Cop meeting that happens in our community about once every two months or so.

During these meetings several cops from the local precinct come around to meet the neighborhood folk so everyone knows each

other and also to help with Blockwatch, etc. It was a good meeting this morning. Following that I joined him for a meeting with 

an octagenarian that's a good source of info for an upcoming Sunday School class my husband will be teaching.

Then this afternoon, I'm meeting a gal at a tea shop to chat and also bring her an old license plate she wants to use for an art project.

Then this evening I will be taking the kids to taekwondo.


Who else has meetings today? Here: see above. Now you know why I was late opening the Teachers Lounge!


Who has meetings tomorrow/this weekend? Here: I try to have an 11 o'clock morning meeting with the kids daily but it doesn't always happen - like today.

Tomorrow we're supposed to do Greek at 11am since ds has drama class at 1pm. However, we're also supposed to do some shopping together in the am for 

clothes the kids need. 


Who has sports stuff going on right now? Here: just TKD for the kids. That's enough!


Talk to me! :bigear: 



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Hi, Scrap! I hope you are feeling better.


No meetings, but I've gone for my extra mammogram images and still have my stress test in just a bit. 


Ds and I have co-op tomorrow, and I might have a meeting after that but haven't heard for sure. I am possibly going to visit a church that might allow our homeschool group to have classes on etiquette and ballroom dancing and end with a formal dinner and dance. 


We've had a break on sports stuff, but it's about to start up again. Swim registration is Saturday morning, and practices will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. 



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Meetings: Nope.  But I did unexpectedly have to go to the new martial arts school location to help unload mats since they were delivered this morning.  We hung around there until a little before 2.


Weekend Meetings: Nothing other than church.


Sports stuff: The little guys took TKD this morning.  We're spending a lot of time helping get the new location ready to open.

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Meetings Nope, though I had a medical appt. today and Dd's AHG kickoff is tonight.


This weekend  No meetings. Tagging clothes for consignment. Church and church picnic. 


Sports Ds will be swimming with a fitness program that is a subset of one of the competitive teams here. It starts in Sept. Dd will swim a couple days a week on her own and take the dog for long walks.  Ds is doing a Cub Scout fitness requirement, so I may use that as a jumping off point to have all of us do some regular stretching, strength building and cardio exercising. It will be mid-September before I can think that out. Too many plates already spinning right now. 


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Skype meeting this morning with my soon to be very incompetent boss. Good thing I am going to be paid well!


Meeting tomorrow with a parent to see if he would like his son to take our engineering class or not...I think it would be great. But we technically require good algebra skills in order to take the class and the young man is struggling in math. So I think his dad figures he shouldn't take it. BUT, I am willing to make an exception because the other nine students are top notch little math geeks. Since dh is going to do most of the white board work, with only one student needing my attention, it should be manageable. I've known many a student who had a fire lit under them in math once they saw concrete, real world examples of how it is used, and this class which covers basic principles of electrical, civil, aeronautical, mechanical, and chemical engineering could be the tool that really helps him grasp math concepts that have escaped him. So I'm pro. But I have to convince the dad that it is worth the $350.00 risk.


I have to meet with a vocalist at 8 a.m. Sunday morning. I agreed to accompany her for a special music number at her church. I generally don't like to have to be out of the house so early on Sunday, but oh well.


No sports. We are trying to figure out how in the world to fit in one more kayak trip before middle ds heads back to college a week from today.

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Big turn in tomorrow, followed by a final meeting for a big project. Not today, though. 


TKD for kids here, as well. I've turned down all other offers/opportunities for physical activities, ie dance. Kids are bummed but will get over it. I am ecstatic to have Saturday mornings back. It will be my only day we don't always have something planned, though a lot of their other activities have "extra" days on Saturdays. 

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This is the week of appointments. 3 kid dentist appointments and I'm headed to the doctor this morning. and Luna has therapy this afternoon. 


Our extracurriculars are just getting started. Jay wants soccer, Jeff wants gymnastics (probably not this month), Ben wants kickboxing(also not yet), W wants to go to Zumba with me, as does Jay. I also need to sort out our other classes. This stuff is exhausting. 



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