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Crosspost: is there such a thing as high quality beach toys?


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We have beach toys stored in a bin in the garage. When we went to the beach recently, I had to throw away several shovels and pails that had broken either from normal use or from the plastics becoming brittle. We plan on taking one more trip to the beach soon, and I'd like to buy a few pieces to replace what I had to toss. I prefer to buy sturdier plastic that will last longer. Is there such a thing?

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When the kid was young and bright colors mattered, I got everything from the dollar stores. Rinsed and kept out of sun light they easily lasted a couple of seasons of heavy use. . Not bad for $7-10.  Around age 6 or so, when he got rougher on the toys, we used a combo of our garden tools (very decent quality at dollar stores), camping gear (collapsible shovel), and homemade ( laundry detergent bottles with tops cut off  (handle left intact) for scoops and buckets).   When he his taken to the beach by others, it is all dollar store, and homemade: no worries about left behind items.

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For shovels, we used the real deal (ie garden spades) instead of plastic. They don't break when digging deep or in wet sand.  Rinse them off when you get home so they don't rust.


ETA: I've also seen people bring full size shovels to the beach. The ones you can buy for $5 at Home Depot. Kids loved them. Of course if yours are littles that probably won't work. 

Edited by slr1765
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Green Toys makes very sturdy sand toys from recycled milk cartons. We have not had any break. I'm very happy with them. I stick to plastic because metal will rust because of the salt water. Unless of course it is teen ages building something, then I would let them use real shovels and such.



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