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Singapore Mathematics


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Hmm maybe no tests for 1st then?

Totally fine not to do tests for 1st; when you work 1 on 1 with a student you assess understanding as you go along; you don't need the same tools that a classroom teacher does.


Tests can be a good resource for older students who are learning independent study skills.

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Totally fine not to do tests for 1st; when you work 1 on 1 with a student you assess understanding as you go along; you don't need the same tools that a classroom teacher does.


Tests can be a good resource for older students who are learning independent study skills.

I can see that.

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I never do tests. We use the Standards edition. The reviews in the TB and WB were plenty to assess how he was doing. You could totally just use that as your test. For homeschoolers, tests are often not necessary as you have a pretty good sense of where your kiddo is as you go along.

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Oh No, I have never done tests with Singapore and I have been doing it for years! There are tests for 1st grade? : )


Seriously, I took my DS through Singapore Standards 3rd with no tests given as I did not see a point. He did fine with our required standardized testing at the end of the year. With one of my DDs, I will be doing Singapore Standards 4 this fall  (we have used Singapore all through with no tests) and I am considering using tests this year only because she is test phobic and standardized testing causes her anxiety at the end of the year. She scores well, but she gets anxious and I'm thinking that maybe a few tests throughout the year (with no pressure at all) could help reduce her test anxiety.


I have another one using Singapore 1 Math in Focus with no tests.


I guess I just don't think it's necessary to test with Singapore math until maybe middle school.

Edited by chiefcookandbottlewasher
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Tests are to test your kid's knowledge. So with the younger grades, peeking over their shoulder or seeing the answers on the workbook does just fine at testing their knowledge. 
For me, I'm already seeing their progress by working closely with them on the lessons and seeing their workbook, so the tests are unnecessary. 
As my kids get in upper grades (so far just 7th), and they want to do more independent work, I do give tests... but even still, I can see on the work I grade if they are getting it. So I am just now starting to "grade" and really only to get ready for highschool. 

Less stress, too! :-D


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