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Online Chemistry?

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I have decided to hold on physics and try for clover creek next year.  That puts us in chemistry for this year.


I want WTMA but it is all full.  


Other options?  Potter's school or BJU online?


Oak meadow is just too expensive for us.  We love veritas but we aren't crazy about apologia science so that knocks them out.


I would love thoughts on this :)  



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That's frustrating. What about Excelsior? 


She is using secular Holt Chemistry. 


Mrs. Childress @ Excelsior was an excellent teacher for my DD. While she's using a different text this year than last year (when Landry collapsed & she switched over to Excelsior to finish out the year), I'm sure she will teach the new text well, adding lots of extras to make things understandable. It isn't an AP class, but DD found a love of Chemistry where she previously disliked anything science-related. (It won't be Morning Glory's Clover Creek, but it should be solid academically & enjoyable.)

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We used Clover Creek for Physics last year and are going to be using The Potter's School Pre-AP Chemistry this year. Most of the other online classes I considered did not fit into our schedule. There aren't many reviews of TPS classes here so I am a little nervous. I have a friend who has used a lot of their classes, but not for science. So I am hoping that it will be a good experience. The teacher seems very nice.


But. The Novare text for this class does assume a solid grounding in Physical Science. I would not have felt comfortable with my son taking this class after Biology...but that may be because he wasn't looking for a challenge in Science until he took Jetta's class. He isn't much interested in Chemistry but is willing to take the harder course because he knows it will be good for him.



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There isn't a lot out there.  That's why I'm hoping to develop online chemistry courses for homeschoolers so they are ready for Fall 2018. :)  It will be similar to Jetta's Clover Creek Physics with a hint of Derek Owens. :) Don't know if you can wait until then but I thought I'd throw it out there. :)

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HSLDA Online Academy is offering an online Chemistry course that uses the BJU textbook.  If you are a newbie that signs up, I can give you a special code for $30 off.  Registration closes Aug. 9th, so you still have time to sign up!



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My 11th grader is taking Chem this year before tackling it at the college for 12th grade.


She will be using Learn Chemistry Better (AYOP)..... https://www.learnchemistrybetter.com

There is a one semester online class with teacher, but my daughter prefers taking it over the course of the year.


We bought this Chemistry kit for Labs instead of what LCB suggests:


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There isn't a lot out there. That's why I'm hoping to develop online chemistry courses for homeschoolers so they are ready for Fall 2018. :) It will be similar to Jetta's Clover Creek Physics with a hint of Derek Owens. :) Don't know if you can wait until then but I thought I'd throw it out there. :)

I'm not forgetting this! We'd love to take your class for my second high schooler!

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I would just add that we did Chemistry 'on our own' this year, hooking up with a couple of friends to do lab experiments every other week.  It was tough, tough, tough to grade assignments and tests as you have to follow the math in the chemical equations to know where your student went wrong (or not).  I thought I would be able to keep up with the Chemistry and do the course alongside my ds since I had achieved an 'A' in high school chemistry EONS ago, but I ended up having my dh take over the grading that year and he did not have an easy time, either. 


We had used Jay Wile's latest chemistry book on discovering design in chemistry, but we had to buy a BJU textbook as a supplement plus my ds did a lot of Khan Academy on his own to learn the material.


The HSLDA Online Academy Chemistry is new this year, so we didn't have that option last year.  But we did use them for AP World History and World Lit. with great success!

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I would just add that we did Chemistry 'on our own' this year, hooking up with a couple of friends to do lab experiments every other week.  It was tough, tough, tough to grade assignments and tests as you have to follow the math in the chemical equations to know where your student went wrong (or not).  I thought I would be able to keep up with the Chemistry and do the course alongside my ds since I had achieved an 'A' in high school chemistry EONS ago, but I ended up having my dh take over the grading that year and he did not have an easy time, either. 




I had this knowing smile when I read this. I took over teaching Chemistry this past year, thinking also how hard can it be. I also used to be good in chemistry and took # of courses in college (25 years ago :) ) It really took my all available time. And when it came to algorithms, I just handed it over to my students. Luckily they figured it out quick themselves as everyone had Algebra 1 done.  

But once it was done, I felt really good about it. 

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