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The Sperminator: Fathering Kids By Dozens of Mothers


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1. The NY Post is one step above The Enquirer.

2. I think this guy is a on a crazy train. Granted he is not exactly cheating on his wife but it is a weird hobby. And wanting your son to take over for you is also a bit out there.

3. the women who want his sperm are also out there on the crazy train. Why would I want this guy to be the donor?

4.There was an SVU episode with John Stamos. His character professed to love all the women and had relationships with them. He wasn't making a donation in a cup.

5. I am curious about his wife. I wouldn't be thrilled if this was my husband's hobby. And I would be less thrilled to have it publicized.

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The guy makes his "donation" into a menstrual cup at Target and then the woman goes and inserts it into her cervix. After an article about him a year ago he got over a hundred requests. Four babies were born recently and eight more are on the way. He is now getting international requests.

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The guy makes his "donation" into a menstrual cup at Target and then the woman goes and inserts it into her cervix. After an article about him a year ago he got over a hundred requests. Four babies were born recently and eight more are on the way. He is now getting international requests.


People are super-weird.


When they found that per-historic frozen guy in the Alps years ago, dozens of women contacted the researchers saying they wanted to be impregnated with his sperm.


And in fact, his genitals were stolen before they finished recovering his body.

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People are super-weird.


When they found that pre-historic frozen guy in the Alps years ago, dozens of women contacted the researchers saying they wanted to be impregnated with his sperm.


And in fact, his genitals were stolen before they finished recovering his body.


I can't seem to copy and paste on my phone, but I copied the post above, that is disgusting

Edited by DawnM
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People are super-weird.


When they found that per-historic frozen guy in the Alps years ago, dozens of women contacted the researchers saying they wanted to be impregnated with his sperm.


And in fact, his genitals were stolen before they finished recovering his body.


I can't seem to copy and paste on my phone, but I copied the post above, that is disgusting


Isn't it odd?  I guess they were frozen, but, what they heck would you do with them - stick them in your freezer?

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People are super-weird.


When they found that per-historic frozen guy in the Alps years ago, dozens of women contacted the researchers saying they wanted to be impregnated with his sperm.


And in fact, his genitals were stolen before they finished recovering his body.



That's exponentially disgusting and strange.

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He joked that he’d like to pass the baton one day to his now-13-year-old son. “He’ll take over,†said Nagel, who has already talked to the boy about it, adding that he’ll need his own nickname: “ ‘You can be the Ejaculator, not the Sperminator,’ †he told his son.




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