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Grammar and punctuation review?

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Maybe daily grams is what I want but I'm not sure.


Short 10-15 mins a day, aiming for improving ACT/SAT English scores. Don't care about diagraming at this point. (He did some earlier with AG but we just really couldn't get through it all. It was too much)


I have writing and literature covered and have concluded that I do not prefer to combine English subjects together in an all in one resource. We do really well with workbooks and programs written for small schools due to having a big family (like CLE and rod and staff). For this subject it *could* be computer based although that is not my preference due to needing to share computers and such.


Short simple, to the point practice with grammar and mechanics.


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We're using Jensen for the summer. There are so many exercises so we're skipping a few and just using a page for each section for now. It's basic but perhaps punctuation is not a difficult concept to learn as long as you know the rules. The sentences are drawn from real books. It's open and go sort of book, so quite easy to use.

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Looks like Jensen's Punctuation has recently been revised. It is similar to what we have...maybe a little better organized. Here's a larger sample -




It does says that it will take approximately 30-45 per lesson. I think it takes my son about 15-20.


Also. As we are spreading it out over 2 years and he only does it 2-3x per week, he spends an hour on less on it per week.

Edited by Liza Q
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We used Daily Grams!  We used Rod and Staff in the early years, followed by AG in 9th/10th, and then did Daily Grams for the rest of high school.  I too had a lot of kids and didn't have time to reteach grammar!  I just wanted to keep those grammar rules fresh.  So, we used  Daily Grams.  So, far, ALL of my kids have scored in the 30's on the English subtest of the ACT.  


Hope that helps!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Third vote for Jensen's


Both my daughters scored high in the English section of the ACT and they give credit to Jensen's Punctuation.

Looking through the samples it looks like there are multiple practice pages for each lesson. Given that we have little time for my rising senior, do you think it's feasible to only do 1-2 pages each lesson (having his younger brother do the others) so as to get through a basic review in 4 or so months? He will take the act for the last time in December.

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Looking through the samples it looks like there are multiple practice pages for each lesson. Given that we have little time for my rising senior, do you think it's feasible to only do 1-2 pages each lesson (having his younger brother do the others) so as to get through a basic review in 4 or so months? He will take the act for the last time in December.


Mine did the book over a period of two years. The last lessons put it all together (students apply all the grammar rules to edit a story).


If this is going to be review for your child, then I don't see why you shouldn't be able to do half the exercises for each grammar rule. Make sure your senior covers all the rules first before he/she start working on the Editing Pages.

Your senior can always go back to a lesson and practice the exercises he/she skipped if he/she keeps making the same mistake while editing.

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