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Dumb move last night

Night Elf

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I normally get up at 6:35am to go pick up my son from his night job at 7:00am. This morning, I dreamed my alarm went off. It really did seem real. I got up, got dressed and pulled the dog off the bed. Usually he's excited to leave the bedroom because it means he'll be fed. So we go into the kitchen so I can feed him. Meanwhile my eyes are just so heavy. I take two sleeping pills at night but they're worn off by the time I get up at 6:30am, so I wasn't understanding why my eyes wouldn't open and focus well. I thought I was going to have to wake up DH to drive. So I let the dog outside and went back into the kitchen and happened to notice the clock on the stove. It was 2:42am. I was stunned! I got the dog back in and went back to bed and slept until my alarm really did go off and then had no problems getting up. 

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I remember one of my roomates doing this in college--she got up, showered, dressed and was headed to campus when she realized it was pitch dark and no one was around. She came back inside and looked at the clock and it was still the middle of the night.

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This has happened to me but the incident that really stands out in my mind was when an engineering supervisor for the morning shift at the TV station I worked at got goofed up.  She took a nap when she got off her shift at 2pm.  When she woke up at 7pm she thought she had slept through the night and overslept the start of her shift for the next day.  She panicked, rapidly dressed and raced back to the TV station.  I was in engineering and she comes flying in.  She then starts yelling at everyone because no one is doing the things the morning shift people normally do and the paperwork is all wonky.  We were utterly baffled.  Then she looks more closely at the people working, looks at the clock on the wall, and I guess at that point she realized what had happened.  Without further explanation she simply turned around and drove home.    :laugh:

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It's better than the alternative! More than once lately I've dreamed that I got up on time, went to the bathroom, woke the kids, starting doing my morning stuff, etc., only to startle awake to someone shaking me and telling me how late it is and that I should get up  :glare: Fortunately it hasn't happened on a morning when I have somewhere to be by a certain time!

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I used to dream that my alarm went off, I woke up, used the restroom, got dressed, got the kids dressed, fed them, and drove them to school.


Then I'd wake up (usually to my actual alarm) and be super depressed that I had to do it all again.


Been there, done that.


Once, as a child, I woke up to the god-awful sound of my neighbor singing. So I turned on my walkman to drown her out. Except that it didn't go on, and after a few seconds I realized I'd just dreamed it. Lather, rinse, repeat - after five iterations I finally succumbed to the awful knowledge that I was awake enough to hear her, but not actually awake enough to turn on my music. I eventually drifted off again.

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I remember one of my roomates doing this in college--she got up, showered, dressed and was headed to campus when she realized it was pitch dark and no one was around. She came back inside and looked at the clock and it was still the middle of the night.

I did exactly this. I didn't understand why it was so dark and thought there must be a massive storm coming. Then I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4am. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that until after I got up and went to the community bathroom down the hall and took a shower and then came back to the room to get dressed.

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