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Hey, arctic mama!


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Haha! Cool! There was another one on cnet a few days ago about 25 best cities for millennial and Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton were all on there. It looks like it is going to be a good fit for us with the only drawbacks being the humidity and high property taxes.


Heck, we even found a good sized piece of property in one of the better school districts that is a six minute WALK to DH's work, and fairly inexpensive. We will be renting for a year or two when we get there but that's very high up our list to check out for building. And with the cost of the property we may actually squeak by on almost no mortgage or just a small loan to finish construction. It's amazing.


When I was driving around Dayton and the south suburbs I was genuinely surprised at how much there was to do and how accessible so many services and businesses were, as well as parks, fitness clubs, etc. We should have no issue with major medical and special ed services either.


DH and I just accepted the offer and so it will be curtains on Alaska for us by the last week of July. Eek!

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Thanks everyone! I'm just glad DH is genuinely excited about the job and workplace. I can make just about any location work but I want him to be happy and out from under his terrible supervisor. That Dayton doesn't suck is just a huge plus :p

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Haha! Cool! There was another one on cnet a few days ago about 25 best cities for millennial and Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton were all on there. It looks like it is going to be a good fit for us with the only drawbacks being the humidity and high property taxes.


Heck, we even found a good sized piece of property in one of the better school districts that is a six minute WALK to DH's work, and fairly inexpensive. We will be renting for a year or two when we get there but that's very high up our list to check out for building. And with the cost of the property we may actually squeak by on almost no mortgage or just a small loan to finish construction. It's amazing.


When I was driving around Dayton and the south suburbs I was genuinely surprised at how much there was to do and how accessible so many services and businesses were, as well as parks, fitness clubs, etc. We should have no issue with major medical and special ed services either.


DH and I just accepted the offer and so it will be curtains on Alaska for us by the last week of July. Eek!


Congratulations! A daunting endeavor to move a family of littles and a few things - unless you have a giant garage sale. :)

Good thing you and your dh are young!

Hope this will be a wonderful new home to you all.

Please don't change your user name... :lol:


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