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Have you tried making GF biscuits?


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No, it doesn't really work that well to sub GF flour in a regular biscuit recipe. "Wet recipes", like muffins and banana bread, generally work okay with 1-to-1 subs, anything that can be kneaded or rolled out usually needs a GF-specific recipe (for example, all of my not-thinking-clearly pizza dough disasters). I'm sure there are exceptions though.


I know most of my biscuits that have turned out well have used eggs, which isn't usually in a regular biscuit dough. I don't have a recipe on hand though. Biscuits sit like a rock in my stomach, but I can't resist them. Best just not to have them at all, haha.

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It will depend on the flour mix you are using. King arthur flour is the best. Only flour that ever gave me perfect pie crusts and sugar cookies. I think you should give it a go with your regular favorite biscuit recipe and you might get lucky or close enough for minor tweaks. My son is allergic to rice now so we use Manini's all purpose gf flour and I make drop biscuits with a fair amount of liquid instead of just butter and flour (more or less) like I would have in the past. Do give it a good Google search. There are lots of good gf biscuit recipes, especially if you can have real dairy.

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I've done a ton of gf baking. I've tried lots of cookbooks, my favorite have been America's Test Kitchen. But when I think biscuits, I want super easy drop biscuits. Pamela's Baking and Pancake mix makes very tasty, very easy biscuits. http://www.pamelasproducts.com/drop-biscuits/   I always use butter, not shortening.


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I have never been able to duplicate good ol' fluffly southern biscuits without the white flour and shortening. I have tried many, many ways to make them: whole wheat, combination, gf flours of many kinds. I can good some things that are good and come close...but NOTHING can duplicate them. And since, when I want biscuits, I want BISCUITS, I just gave up and used other things.


On a side note, I once read a book where the main male character really like biscuits and his love interest made him some healthy biscuits using whole wheat flour and light olive oil...and he didn't even notice.  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  I knew right then the author had never actually made "healthy" biscuits. Cause no biscuit aficionado would NOT notice the difference in that! 

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Cup 4 Cup is the only GF flour I've found that can be swapped in successfully, but it does have milk, so that eliminates it for anyone who is DF.


I made biscuits using king arthur's recipe and they turned out ok. Good enough for biquits and gravy. But like most GF baking, you have to eat them immediately. The leftovers were appalling.

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