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The Tiny Bladder Teachers Lounge 5-26-2017


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Happy Friday and Welcome to the Lounge!!!


Okay, so I really tried to come up with a better, more fun name for today's Lounge. Really.

But this title would.not.leave.me.alone. So here we are. 

Maybe it partially stems from another thread on the chat board, but I think mostly it comes from the fact

that my dog woke me up so she could go outside to do her thing this morning. Might not sound like a biggy

but usually this dog waits for me to get up before she does. Today she couldn't wait. But better she woke me up

than to have an accident in the house!  :001_cool:


Anyway . . .


Who here drinks so much water the bathroom calls often? Here: if I drink lots of water (which is hard for me to do), then yes.

Or coffee, or tea, or .. .


Anyone work at a job that just by the nature of the job makes you drink more water than usual? Here: yes, when I work at my

security guard job at the NFL games. More often than not, I'm outside, and it gets HOT here. Thankfully, the company I work for

supplies us with plenty of bottled water! So, the first bottle of water gets downed,

and usually absorbed by the body for hydration. After about 2 1/2 to 3 bottles of water, nature calls!  :cool:


Still on topic of water but in a different direction: will anyone be participating in any water sports or activities thsi weekend? Here: me,

probably not. DD, definitely not, unless she ventures into our pool. DH and ds are going camping. They talked about fishing but I think they

nixed the idea.


(FYI: I do plan on opening the Lounge on Monday, Memorial Day)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Happy Friday to you. I drink a ton of water, but have a really strong bladder. I'm not sure how after 4 babies! I can hold it a really long time. In fact, the first day of co-op was so busy that when I got home at 2:00 p.m. I realized that the last time I had gone was before my shower at 6:00 a.m. and I drink water and tea all morning because I'm teaching.


The only time my job has required high water consumption was when I was nursing! ;) All my jobs post-college/pre-kids were desk jobs.


No water sports for us. Still a little chilly and we have house projects to work on all weekend.

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Good morning! I'm a total wash out on the water topic (pun intended) as no water sports in my near future and I never drink enough water.


Today's plan includes doing too much laundry (is that a water sport?) and getting the kids moving on vacuuming and floor sweeping going into the weekend. The dogs are shedding fiercely so something needs to happen.

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Our poor dog today was trying to tell us she needed to go out, again, and we thought she just wanted a puzzle!

Eventually, she'll get us thick-skulled humans trained! She really did need to go out - looks like she ate something that didn't agree

with her over the past day or so. It's just been her regular old dog food over the past week and a half. So I cooked up some rice for her 

just now. She wouldn't even eat that! I now know something is bothering her tummy. But she has been drinking plenty of water. Thus, she

fits within the theme of the Lounge today.  :D  Poor girl. I  just let her rest and see how she does the rest of the day.

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I don't drink a ton of water but always feel like I need to per constantly. Not so bad when we are home but Stu is when we are out. We are camping now and walking to the bathrooms at 3am sucks. We usually keep a portable potty in our tent but we have an extra kid so no room.


We will be swimming, rafting, and going down a rock water slide. We are at Davidson River North Carolina.

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I don't drink a lot of water when working, even though I try to keep water by my desk.


The exception is when I'm driving, which I have to do on most Wednesdays to get to court 1.5-2.5 hours from my office.


Tomorrow we are driving to visit family about 12 hours away. I will probaby drink plenty of water.

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I do drink lots of water. I never did growing up, but then had a roommate in college who did and I got used to it. Now I feel sick or get a headache if I don't drink enough. We take water bottles everywhere in the warm months.


Water sports - not me, but kids will be in the pool sometime this weekend for sure. The water will be freezing! Does car washing count? The old-fashioned kind, with a hose and bucket in the front yard. Or watering flowers/garden? Or playing in the creek? That is Ds' favorite - water and frogs! 





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Too cold for water sports here.


And the thing that keeps me running to the bathroom is coffee and the sheer volume of it I consume.


This is caused by my job - homeschooling, 4H insane volunteer, rocket team mentor, food planner for three ravenous Jurassic era reptiles whom I have been told are my son's but the way they descended on the French toast today really did not look very human! Even the dog was scared! :D

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Too cold for water sports here.


And the thing that keeps me running to the bathroom is coffee and the sheer volume of it I consume.


This is caused by my job - homeschooling, 4H insane volunteer, rocket team mentor, food planner for three ravenous Jurassic era reptiles whom I have been told are my son's but the way they descended on the French toast today really did not look very human! Even the dog was scared! :D

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Drink a lot: Yes.  And I have a tiny bladder.


Job: I don't work.  I just always like to have water next to me.


Water activities: Not me.  Fritz was supposed to have a swim meet and I'd've timed at it, but he's had the flu this week and isn't well enough for the meet.  Cameron has an end of seminary (religion class he goes to at 6am every day) pool party tomorrow.

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