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We need 1 credit of Fine, Performing or Practical Arts...

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We have done some drama with a co-op which I think will count toward 1/3 to 1/2 credit.   She doesn't play an instrument, dance, etc. which seems to be how a lot of homeschoolers we know are meeting the requirement.   Suggestions?     

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How about using some Great Courses for a Art & Music Appreciation class? I am thinking of using How to Look at and Understand Great Art paired with How to Listen to and Understand Great Music. We'll add in a few books and documentaries about dance history (specifically ballet) and call it something like Fine Arts Appreciation.

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Especially since you've got a chunk of Theater credit going, what about adding to your 1/3 credit of past Theater hours, and add another 1/3 credit through doing set design/painting and working crew for a theater production, and then the final 1/3 as Theater Appreciation -- watch a 2-3 plays and write a paper on each, read a book or two on the history and background of theater -- and call it good -- 1.00 credit Fine Arts: Theater. ?

Or, you can put together four 9-week units for 1.00 credit of an Introduction to Fine Arts credit. Check out your local Parks & Rec course offerings, or local art studios that specialize in the different arts. Ideas for performing or creation of Arts:

- Photography
- Filmmaking
- Digital Fine Arts (animation, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, etc.)
- Jewelry Making
- Stained Glass
- Fused Glass
- Pottery/Ceramics
- Sculpture
- Woodworking
- Metalworking
- Textiles

- Theater: Costume Design
- Theater: Set/Prop Design & Creation
- Theater: Lighting and Backstage Crew

If you are allowed by your regulations, you can also consider Appreciation as a portion of a credit -- so History, Theory, and Analysis of a Fine Arts field:

- Art Appreciation
- Music Appreciation
- Theater Appreciation
- Film Appreciation

Also usually allowed:
- Intro to Art Design
- Intro to Color/Design

Edited by Lori D.
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We have done some drama with a co-op which I think will count toward 1/3 to 1/2 credit.    


For an elective, you can do the bare minimum of 120 hours = Carnegie credit. So if she has 60 hours, count it as a 1/2 credit. I like the idea of looking for local rec classes. I was planning to do a pottery course with Trinqueta because we both love working with messy clay on a wheel even if our pieces tend to lopsided but the studio shut down.


Another possibility is a community or church choir. They usually take anyone who wants to participate and help you learn to sing well in a group.

Edited by chiguirre
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Especially since you've got a chunk of Theater credit going, what about adding to your 1/3 credit of past Theater hours, and add another 1/3 credit through doing set design/painting and working crew for a theater production, and then the final 1/3 as Theater Appreciation -- watch a 2-3 plays and write a paper on each, read a book or two on the history and background of theater -- and call it good -- 1.00 credit Fine Arts: Theater. :)

I agree with Lori that you should probably expand on what you already have and get a full credit in theater. Can your daughter participate in a community theater production and learn/participate more? You could add in a textbook to give more "book learning" to the course or to make sure that you cover all the bases, if you like.


I have some theater books:

  • Acting and Theatre: An Usborne Introduction is only about 60 or 70 pages, but it is packed with information.
  • Exploring Theatre by Nancy Price and Jeanie Jackson is a middle school/high school textbook.
  • Theatre Art in Action is another textbook, but is more geared towards high school students. This book includes both techniques about acting as well as technical theater techniques. Both Exploring Theatre and Theatre Art in Action include the history of theater.
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Is there a community theater production she could participate in coming up in your area? 


ETA - I just read responses and I agree with Shifra!  :)

Edited by WoolySocks
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