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Bible study for me


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Hi!  I am looking for suggestions.  I am trying to find something that will go passage by passage explaining the Scripture for me as I read the Bible.  Something that prompts me to journal as well would be a plus.  We are new to any sort of Bible study.  Our pastor does a terrific job of explaining Biblical passages to us on Sundays, but I want more!  Thanks so much!

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Is there a particular book of the Bible that you want to start with?  I like Warren Wiersbe's "Be" series (titles like "Be Mature", "Be Confident", etc.) for each book.  Each chapter gives a short section to read and then has commentary and questions.  


Here is an example:  https://www.amazon.com/Be-Joyful-Philippians-Things-Commentary/dp/1434768465/


I also like God's Word for You studies like this: https://www.amazon.com/Galatians-You-Reading-Feeding-Leading/dp/1908762578/


And N.T. Wright's "For Everyone" series:  https://www.amazon.com/John-Everyone-Part-Chapters-Testament/dp/0664227899/  I particularly like this series because the Scripture passages are IN there!  lol  


So those are my top picks!  I've done at least one from each of these series and like them the most.  Another thing that may help you in the long run is to get a good Bible commentary.  You can read whatever you want in the Bible and sort of follow along in the commentary for any clarification you need.  There are many good ones and your pastor can probably recommend some to you!

Edited by 6packofun
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Thanks so much everyone!  I'll check these all out.  I don't even know where in the Bible I want to start--just somewhere :)  Dh and I are not new to Christianity (we were both raised Catholic), but we are very new to the type of church we are now attending and the way they go through the Bible a little bit each week.  Our church has Bible study groups we hope to start attending in the future, but there just isn't any time in the schedule right now.

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You might want to check out Community Bible Study.  It's an non-denominational study that meets in communities all over the US and in many other countries.  It runs from Sept-May and meets once a week for 2 hours.  Most of the classes have a Homeschool Program.  My particular CBS class has a Homeschool Program through 12 grade - it's awesome.  The homeschoolers study the exact same thing as the adult but at an age appropriate level.  


CBS classes usually choose one book of the Bible to spend 30 weeks on and go verse by verse - unless it's a shorter book and then they will group several together.  In recent years, my class has spent a year on Matthew, a year on 1st and 2nd Corinthians, and this year we're studying Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers to cover the exodus of the Jews and time in the wilderness .  


You have a study that you do at home that guides you through the passage you're studying that week. Then, you go to class and discuss your answers in your small group, which is my favorite part of CBS. I love hearing what the other women gleaned from the same passage. Then, all the women come together to hear a brief lecture about the same passage, and then you go home and read the commentary that's provided with the study. So there are 4 different components to the study. I've been a class member of CBS for 13 years and I've learned so much about the Bible and made many wonderful friends! I believe it costs $35 for the materials for the whole year. I think it's $15 for a child to join and I believe there's a family cap for multiple children. Their Children's Program runs from nursery through age 6 in most locations. Check it out to see if there's a class in your area - http://www.communitybiblestudy.org 


ETA:  Usually, the homeschool kids are in the Children's Program through age 6 and then go into the Homeschool Program.  Our Homeschool Program begins in K.  I hope I made that more clear!

Edited by jjeepa
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