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If your children have never schooled anywhere but home,

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(or you've done enough of their schooling to feel comfortable taking some credit!) aren't you amazed at all you have taught them or they have self-taught?


I just listened to my 12 year old discuss the Civil War with a neighbor. She was intelligent, articulate, and carried her side of the conversation easily. All I did was stand there and nod my head with a poorly concealed stupid grin on my face.


And somehow, I'm surprised. I never thought this home school thing would work as well as it has so far. I may even muster up the courage to stick it out through high school. I continually have a nagging voice inside my head telling me that home schooling is crazy. (Oddly, the voice sounds like my mother's,:lol: but I digress....) However, there is nothing crazy about the results we are enjoying.


Thanks for the inspiration, Jessie Wise and SWB. I wouldn't have considered it had I not come across your book. And to all of us, a pat on the back for a job getting done, if not perfectly, at least well enough.

Edited by KJB
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This is such a great post to read - good for you! As much as I worry about if I'm doing it "right" I have moments like these too where I realize - wow, they ARE learning. I am also grateful to Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer for their books and curriculum choices. I don't think I would have been able to do it without them holding my hand. :001_smile:

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Yep yep yep! We've been doing poetry memorization. The 4yo was memorizing aloud with us at first but then said it was boring so she just plays while we do it. However one day I asked her, "Do you know 'After the Party' by William Wise?" And lo and behold she told me ALL Of the poems, 13 in all at the time! I was in shock!



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(or you've done enough of their schooling to feel comfortable taking some credit!) aren't you amazed at all you have taught them or they have self-taught?


I just listened to my 12 year old discuss the Civil War with a neighbor. She was intelligent, articulate, and carried her side of the conversation easily. All I did was stand there and nod my head with a poorly concealed stupid grin on my face.


And somehow, I'm surprised. I never thought this home school thing would work as well as it has so far. I may even muster up the courage to stick it out through high school. I continually have a nagging voice inside my head telling me that home schooling is crazy. (Oddly, the voice sounds like my mother's,:lol: but I digress....) However, there is nothing crazy about the results we are enjoying.


Thanks for the inspiration, Jessie Wise and SWB. I wouldn't have considered it had I not come across your book. And to all of us, a pat on the back for a job getting done, if not perfectly, at least well enough.


Thanks for sharing. Yes, my kids have always been homeschooled and even though I am a teacher by training I can't much of the credit. I'm grateful that God has blessed our efforts and that nay-saying family and friends see in my children the benefits of homeschooling and that they're not missing anything!!!:D


I too am super grateful for The Well-Trained Mind. A friend called me on the phone one day and urged me to read it and boy am I glad I did.

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What I find amazing is when my kids say something profound or can intelligently discuss a subject and I have no idea where they learned it from.


Wasn't me even though I am and have always been their only teacher. Now they teach themselves tons of interesting things.


Thanks for reminding me to be grateful for the privilege of home schooling and for those who have gone before us.

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My dd was applying to several colleges. One day she had an interview with the history/govt department head at one of the schools. I sat in the background with the same half smile. My dd discussed politics and the history behind it with grace and poise--even disagreeing with the prof, holding her own in the process. I know I could not have done what she did--politics is her thing, not mine.




College is going very well for her these days :)). Sometimes I do remind myself that I gave her the background she needed to succeed. It does help my days go a little easier :)



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For me, it is a thing of true beauty to see how the WTM can help me guide my dc's in an education. I often have people in my church asking what the cost to enroll at our school is to which I reply, "You couldn't afford it!" LOL Shows me that though we have our struggles, those outside the hs world are watching us and seeing positive things.


One thing I find amazing is that I like to discuss history now. I always did well in history in school but never liked it because it was meaningless dates and names. Now I am finding that thanks to the WTM I love history myself!!

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So true!


Just this morning, the girls were translating Greek on their own! They have learned what they know from reading and are doing a great job. It's amazing and I am blessed to be a part of their education. :)


dhudson and Jean....yup yup yup!

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