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Treasured Conversations and Writing and Rhetoric with a 3rd and 5th grader

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Is Treasure Conversations a full year curriculum or can it last a semester? Would it be good to do with a 3 and 5th grader together? I also thinking of Writing and Rhethoric but not at the same time but also was wondering what what level to get with a 3rd and 5th grader who are new to it.

Edited by MistyMountain
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Is Treasure Conversations a full year curriculum or can it last a semester? Would it be good to do with a 3 and 5th grader together?

There are three sections and you may find that your kids are ready for one or two, but not the third. It is written so that you can park on a skill and work on that skill with other materials in a TC-like way. You also may find that one kid is ready for the next section or "gets it" better than the other. Be prepared for that.


We did not get through TC in a semester. My goal was not to go through quickly, but to learn more as a teacher and to have my kids learn the skills taught. We spent the time needed.


It is easy to stop between sections and pick it up later or the next year. Sometimes, you have to do that anyway.


As far as W&R, I have only used Narrative 2 (I think that's what it was called). I think they recommend starting with Fable unless your kid is a lot older or has writing experience.

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3rd grade DS is doing Fable now. He *was* a reluctant writer but has really enjoyed W&R thus far. We started Fable halfway through this year and plan to do TC Sections 1&2 next to solidify grammar skills before doing Narrative 1 next January. I'm not sure DS would have done as well with it at the beginning of the year as he's done starting mid-year.

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I wouldn't try to put kids together for a skill subject like writing. 


We loved TC and Fable!  


Dd writes well and easily and did half of WWE 3 and Fable in 3rd, TC in 4th, Narrative 2 and mom-made writing assignments in 5th. 

Ds does not write easily yet, though his oral narrations are often very good. He is finishing WWE 3 now and will do TC in 4th, followed by Fable. 

We often do not start or finish writing curricula on the traditional school year schedule. 

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