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Personal safety online course for women ... also CC question

jak of in

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Anyone have any recommendations? My dd just moved 5 hours away by herself. I worry and fear for her personal safety. She has a keychain pepper gel and a door alarm for her apartment. She is a smart girl with common sense, but has never lived alone before and might be a little naive. Any other tips or suggestions? 


This is the CC part:  I fear for her and I know that I can't DO anything about it. I've been praying a lot and trying to trust God to take care of her. Do you have any Bible verses that have helped you with fear and worry? 


Thank you. This is really hard for me for her to be so far away. 





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You could pay for her to take a self defence class, but most likely she's in no more danger than she was before.


It is hard having them far away though. :grouphug:

I think that's an excellent idea about giving her the class as a gift!

Edited by Catwoman
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"Just Yell Fire"  http://www.justyellfire.com/   I saw that young woman on TV years ago.  


With regard to the apartment door, if she can have the frame replaced, with a steel frame, with *long* screws holding it in place, and a solid door, that would help a little. Also, a very sturdy "Dead Bolt" lock.  She should never live on the first floor.


If she was properly trained, and licensed to carry it, a small gun would make her safer.


Many years ago, one of my youngest cousins was kidnapped, while she was in the parking lot of a Junior College in CA and she was raped. She is very lucky that he did not also kill her, since the penalty is the same: Death Penalty


Your DD should try to be extremely alert about who is near her apartment and when she is in parking lots, be aware those are dangerous places.  Sadly, the world is a dangerous place.


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In-person is always best. I have a friend who is a former police officer, and she does an amazing class using the R.A.D. approach.


Even better is martial arts. My DD has been studying Aikido for nine years and is a Shodan (black belt). She has the skills to KILL someone. I don't know if she has the will to do that, but she could.

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This one is special to me: 2 Timothy 1:7  for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 


I find that fear attacks me in areas that I haven't surrendered to God. You are right that we have no choice but to pray and trust! My oldest is moving to an Eastern European country next month, so I understand what you are going through. :)



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I would suggest she get to know her neighbors.  If they know her & know her normal life patterns, they will be better able to help if she does run into any trouble.  People have a tendency to mind their own business, so it is good to become "their business" rather than an anonymous face.  Also if she knows them she will be more comfortable asking for help if she needs it. 

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"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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