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Care to help a Canadian understand the SAT? :D

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I know what it is, if that helps. :)  My dd is currently in Grade 11 and will be applying to Canadian universities next year.  Universities in Canada are not as experienced in dealing with homeschooled students and so it's difficult to get straight answers about what kinds of documentation they will require.  I've had two (or three) completely different answers from the same uni just from asking different people involved with that particular university.  Sigh.


The SAT is not required for Canadian students to apply to university here and is not commonly written.  For a few of the universities that dd will apply to, one of the recommendations is to have SAT scores and/or AP scores so that the university has outside, standardized scores to go by.  We are right on the Canada/US border so I should be able to have dd write the SAT with the high school students on the US side.  I've checked in to this and the US high school seemed cooperative.


My main questions are:

1.  How long does it take to get SAT scores back?  In other words, if dd needs to start her application process by Nov. or Dec. 2017, when should she be taking the SAT?

2.  How often is the SAT offered?  Does it differ school by school?  I thought I had read somewhere that it was offered almost monthly but I may be misremembering that. :)

3.  How necessary was the PSAT?  (Kind of a moot point now, I suppose.)  Is it super helpful in terms of practice or is it mostly taken for the National Merit thingie (which wouldn't apply to us anyway)?


Dd has already had experience with standardized tests and by the time she graduates, she should have 7 AP credits (with exams) and experience with writing and performing standardized theory and practical exams through the Royal Conservatory of Music.  I know that in Lori D.'s fabulous pinned post above :) , it's suggested that students take the SAT in Grade 11 in case they have to retake it in Grade 12.  Is that because it's so difficult or just to get the standardized-test jitters out of the way in the first go-round?


Sorry if I seem so obtuse about the whole thing. :)

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1. How long does it take to get SAT scores back? In other words, if dd needs to start her application process by Nov. or Dec. 2017, when should she be taking the SAT?


3 to 6 weeks. By October 2017 to be safe. My oldest got it on the first day results start releasing but we waited two weeks for my younger boy.


2. How often is the SAT offered? Does it differ school by school?


Private candidates are on the same Saturday or Sunday (religious reasons) dates. School testing could be on a weekday.

Dates https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register/dates-deadlines


When we asked at U of Waterloo, the answer depends on which school he is interested in. Engineering school ask for different requirements compared to someone apply to be a math major or business major.

Edited by Arcadia
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The PSAT is not necessary at all. It matters only for 11th graders and only if they have the potential of winning a National Merit scholarship, but that applies only to US citizens anyway. So, ignore the PSAT.


As pp already posted, SAT dates are posted on the college board website. You register through the Collegeboard online; they will show where there are available seats. It is administered at local schools.


I would also recommend to take it in 11th grade - not because the test is difficult, but because this gives students the opportunity to retake the test and shoot for a higher score. It is not difficult to get a decent score that gets the student into most colleges, but it is difficult to get a top score, which is needed for admission to highly selective schools.

Edited by regentrude
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It takes 3.5 to 4 weeks for score delivery. I'd strongly recommend shooting for the October 2017 SAT date to make sure you get scores back in time for any early to mid November 2017 college admission deadline. You might even consider having your DD take the SAT this spring, at the May or June testing date, if you think testing twice is going to be of help, or in case DD has troubles in her first testing, and needs time for taking a second test.



There are eight SAT test dates offered throughout the year; usually the first Saturday of the following months: October, November, December, January (the 3rd Sat. rather than 1st), March, May, June.


The SAT is offered at various locations that have jumped the hoops to meet the requirements for proctoring, desk spacing, etc. Mostly that tends to be public high schools, but other sites are locations, too -- for example, the local university in our city is a testing location. Here is the search engine for finding a test center. Please note that registration is through the SAT website, NOT through the individual schools or test locations.



No PSAT necessary. You can prep via the materials and free practice questions on the SAT website, free videos from Khan Academy,  download and use the daily practice from SAT, and through using the big blue College Board Test Prep book (which includes several real SAT tests for practice).



Check out the College Board's SAT website for more info -- esp. info on what kind of student photo you need to upload as part of the registration process, what to bring/NOT bring on test day, and other helpful info.


Good luck! :) Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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We are right on the Canada/US border so I should be able to have dd write the SAT with the high school students on the US side.

There are 26 test centers available in Ontario for the May date. U of Toronto is one of the test sites. You can search other dates on same link



If you already have an online CollegeBoard account for her AP exams results, then you can just use the same account to register for SAT. If not then you create an online CollegeBoard account, pick the date your daughter wants, pick the test centers (think you can pick three ranked choices) and pay online.

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Thank you so much, folks!  The Hive is the best place to come for info, hands down. :)


We're in Northwestern Ontario so a looooooooooong way from the test centers for Southern Ontario (think 20 to 24 hours of driving) but there are a few high schools within 2 to 3 hours of driving that are listed as test centers.  I didn't know that - thanks for the links, Lori D. and Arcadia!  There is also still the high school across the border in Minnesota that is literally a 20 minute drive so I've got some options.


Thank you for the advice on when to take and how long it takes for results.  I can better plan now. :)


Thanks, Hive!!

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...There is also still the high school across the border in Minnesota that is literally a 20 minute drive so I've got some options.


And if you NEED a specific location for testing, just be sure to sign up a few months in advance of the test date to make SURE there will be space for your DD. So if you want the Oct. 2017 test date, sign up in July 2017. Or if you want the May or June 2017 test date -- VERY popular dates -- consider signing up now.

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