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the Ski Lodge (aka Teachers Lounge) 1-25-2017


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It's Wednesday . . . I think. Eyes are still blurry and brain is still foggy as I've only had two sips of coffee this

morning. Coffee is not necessary for me every morning but today it is.


Anything special going on today? Here: tonight I'm going to an event/class/lecture called, 

"10 Desert Plants to Get You Well." A friend who knows my interest in medicinal herbs told me about it.

Should be interesting!


Who feels like going back to bed right now? Here: ME! -_-


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Special Today: All four kids are going to church activities tonight and since I no longer work with the young women I get to stay home.  All alone.  That'll be weird.


Go back to bed: I wish.  I keep meaning to get myself and the little guys to bed at a decent time, but then the big kids don't get home from work until after 8 and they want to talk to me so before we know it I'm herding the littles upstairs at 10pm for their bedtime story.  And then 5:30am comes WAY too early.  That's when I have to get up to take Cameron to church for his early morning religion class.  I'm looking forward to my husband being back home next week so I can go back to my natural wake-up time of 6:27.

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So, frugal, I have a question. You seem to sell a lot of stuff. Is this stuff you've just been purging from your own belongings

or do you scour yard sales, thrift stores, etc and then re-sell those items? 


(Wants to go back to bed but needs to wake up . . .)


Both actually. Right now I'm purging from my stuff mostly - I have way too much stuff, especially furniture. And I'm really trying to declutter and downsize so my house is easier to keep clean. But if I'm out and see something I can make a profit on, I'll grab it and resell it. 


I was selling on ebay for a long time, but it's so flooded now that unless you are a large volume seller it isn't profitable. 

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Good morning!  


Frugalmama, I wondered about Ebay. I'd really like to get rid of a lot of stuff, but I'm not in the best place for yard sales. I've been contemplating taking pictures of stuff and make a Facebook album to try and sell a few things locally. It would go out to people I know, so I'd feel more comfortable meeting people. I think our sheriff's office made a place for people to meet for sales like Craig's list, though. I just don't have a lot of big ticket items. 


Special Today:

Nothing out of the ordinary: school, GED tutoring, church


Back to Bed:

I'm okay with not going back to sleep, but I wish I could get cozy and watch some stuff online. That would be nice!



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Nothing special going on today. I've been up since 8:30 or so, but bed does sound pretty good now... I started getting a headache a little while ago (just took some naproxen, so hopefully will be gone soon).


We started doing Mystery Science on Monday, and the kids are liking it so far. I got the year for free back in August or something, but hadn't gotten around to it yet, mainly because I wanted to do the experiments, and I dunno. Now just doing them without actually doing the experiments. We are doing the other extras. Maybe we'll do some of the experiments.

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Okay. I have seam that I need to rip in a block for oldest son's quilt. I cannot find my seam ripper yet again. I am the queen of walking off with that thing and laying it down in odd places. Sigh


Youngest will be working on the slides for the NASA presentation so we are not going anywhere. I made a crockpot of yummy beef stew and bread is rising. It is yucky outside so I am happy we are staying in.

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Finally got the call back I was waiting on. Semi-good news that means at least PART of the stress will be lifted as of tomorrow morning after I run one last errand. 



Waiting on two more customers to show up. I think one is going to flake though. 



I need to go start cleaning. DD's friends come back Saturday and I wanted to get the whole house cleaned up before they got back. Plus cleaning will help keep my mind off relationship stuff {going to be having a long convo early tomorrow morning probably}. 

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Currently listening to Ds be a huge pita during his piano lesson. I love him, but he is exhausting!!

I was literally JUST thinking, "My kids need to do more exercise than just tae kwon do twice a week. That's why I should pay for them to be in a different sport so someone else can be the one telling them what to do for awhile!  :coolgleamA:

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Today's adventures include Depression and Anxiety attempting to shove their way into my mind. *sigh*

I have thus told the kids I am not making requests today, I am giving orders.


What things normally help you when you're dealing with D&A?


Gosh, maybe if I actually TOOK my vitamins, they would help . . .  :p


Take your vitamins. It's an order. ;)

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