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I'm looking for more movies about women advancing in the workplace. Preferably historic films with real life ties like Hidden Figures, or movies with women in lead roles.


I just finished watching Hidden Figures and I need more films like this in my library. I also loved Good Girls in Revolt an Amazon tv series about women changing the workplace in the press industry in early '70s late '60s, GGR was written by Lynn Povich and based on true events. 


Thank you for your help, looking forward to viewing your suggestions!  :)

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Oh Pioneers is feminist and very good, but I don't recall it dealing with the Women's Sufferage movement.

Book and movie are both excellent.


In literature, Louisa May Alcott reflects strong pro-sufferage views in her later novels.  You see this in "An Old Fashioned Girl" and "Jo's Boys".  AFAIK neither was made into a movie, though.


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Suffragette is an awesome movie -- be advised it is about the women's suffrage movement in the U.K., though, not the U.S.  Still, very well done.  Just in case you were looking for movies about U.S. history, in particular.

I'd love to hear about women's rights all over the world  :thumbup:


Carol in Cal. Marry Poppins has been a long time favorite! I even dressed as her for Halloween recently  :001_smile:

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About women in the workplace:


9 to 5

Norma Rae

Working Girl

His Girl Friday


These are all wonderful suggestions none of which I have viewed yet. I'll be watching Norma Rae. Thank you all for posting! I'm currently unemployed and 5 mos pregnant (unspportive work environment, decided to quit). I've been waking up at odd hours, I find myself with lots of free time. These movies help to put fire under my pot to get back into the workplace and be a strong independent female leader.


Love the literary suggestions as well! I'm sad to hear they didn't make it to the big screen, defiantly will try the books out!


If anyone has any good pregnancy or parenting movies I'd love to hear some suggestions! I watched the business of being born pretty much bawled my eyes out the entire time.


Thank you again to 




Carol in Cal.




:grouphug:  :001_smile:

Edited by hannahball13
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I really liked Suffragette  Some of the movies I'd add have women's issues as the backdrop not the main topic, but they are definitely part of the movie. 


Iron Lady is good. It's a biopic of Margaret Thatcher, but has women's issues throughout for obvious reasons. UK


Educating Rita not for kids but has class, education and women's roles UK


Made in Dagenham follows the events of a 1968 autofactory strike in which women fought wage fairness. It's been a while since I saw this, but I think it was pretty good. UK


Mona Lisa Smile I didn't like this so much, but it is focused on women's roles mid 20th century US


Whale Rider why can't a girl lead her tribe NZ


Infinitely Polar Bear not the main story, the wife has to make choices that many would find very difficult  US


Girl Rising documentary telling the stories of 9 girls around the world facing social and cultural barriers



If you are looking for something very tame there's an episode of Little House on the Prairie in one of the later seasons where all the women go on "strike". They leave their dc at home and stay at Nellie's Hotel until their dh's sign a petition. I don't recall the contents of the petition. 

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I watched "Suffragette" today because of this thread! I took my daughter and two of her friends to Susan B. Anthony's house after the election and we read up on the suffragists. We're planning to visit the Women's Rights National Historical Park this summer, and I'm marching in Washington on Saturday, so we are spending a lot of time talking about rights up in here!


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