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How long do you quarantine post-stomach bug?


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I just spent the last 36 hours on the couch (well, I spent some of it in the bathroom) with some kind of stomach bug. I still had a low fever last night around 10 p.m. and was very weak and achy and queasy. Today I woke up with no fever, no real nausea, no achiness, etc. Do you think I could still be contagious? I've been making everyone use the secondary bathroom unless they have to shower, and I'd really like to be able to bleach the main bathroom down now, use stuff in the kitchen, etc., but this was such a bad experience, I really REALLY don't want to share with my family members! WWYD here? Do you it's safe for me to start touching stuff again, or should I wait another day?

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I'm sorry you have been so sick. In my family, I made it a point to be fever, puke, and diarrhea free 24 hr before quarantine is lifted. Too many times things were fine in the morning and then symptoms return with a vengeance in the evening. But in my family, quarantine means separation from people outside the family.


The only time I tried to separate the sick person from the rest of the family was years ago when my dh had a horrible, nasty stomach bug. I made sure he stayed in our room and anytime he would emerge, I would follow him, wiping everything down with disinfectant. I was so hyperviligent trying to keep this from the kids. Then I noticed our bedroom door open, and there was my youngest, about 4 at the time standing next to the bed, drinking from dh's cup! He never got sick.

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It depends on what you had, so the answer is hard to give as it varies so much. If you feel up to bleaching I would absolutely do it today, but I would keep to my own bathroom a few days longer. Some "bugs" are longer lived than others. Bleach again in 24-48. Wash your sheets, things like that. Let someone else do the cooking another day or two. Glad you are starting to feel a bit better.

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With something like norovirus, we keep the affected person separated from others as much as possible for 24 hours after symptoms resolve.  Then they are allowed out in the common areas but must be extra diligent with hand washing, not share food, not pick up the baby, etc. for a day or two longer.


Every time we get it we feel like we are going to die, so dh and I are highly motivated to stop the spread (same goes for influenza).

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With something like norovirus, we keep the affected person separated from others as much as possible for 24 hours after symptoms resolve.  Then they are allowed out in the common areas but must be extra diligent with hand washing, not share food, not pick up the baby, etc. for a day or two longer.


Every time we get it we feel like we are going to die, so dh and I are highly motivated to stop the spread (same goes for influenza).


And how would you know what they have?

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At least 24 hours, usually. If it was norovirus, you can still shed the virus for at least 48 hours after you start feeling better. We had it run through our co-op and the health department was involved. When someone from the health department found out how quickly one of the affected dads went back to work, she flipped. She told them he should have stayed home for two more days after symptoms cleared.

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