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I need a cheerleader ... or a nice, warm bed.

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It's 10:00 am. We've not had breakfast. We overslept. My kitchen is bordering on filthy. And I am sooooooooo tired. And we have swimming lessons today. And Scouts tonight. Which means that if school doesn't get done NOW, it won't get done at all.


Who knows when the kitchen will get cleaned.




Seriously, although our school is going very well, I spend all my time feeling overwhelmed and tired. (I'm going to go to a doc next year about the tired part.) I'm so tired of housework. The school, as I said, is going well; but nine weeks in and we're all just sick of doing it. (And we've already had a week's break, and we only school 4 days a week.)

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I've always found a nice warm bed is the best cheerleader. :001_smile:


We are on week 9 as well. I'm shifting our schedule a little to help jump start our enthusiasm. We are taking a week off from CW. We also finished a Singapore book last week, so this week we are doing only Challenging word problems and Life of Fred.

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I'd put those kids to work. Seriously. With the exception of Monday mornings before 9:00, our house is almost always ready for drop by company. Not stay the night, but drop by.


If you're really tired, I'd say get a bit of sleep and let it go. Then after your doctor visit you can begin to catch up.

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I'd put those kids to work. Seriously. With the exception of Monday mornings before 9:00, our house is almost always ready for drop by company. Not stay the night, but drop by.


If you're really tired, I'd say get a bit of sleep and let it go. Then after your doctor visit you can begin to catch up.


They do work. Honest. They just don't work *well* yet. And even with them working, I can't seem to keep up. They do the dishes, and the laundry, and vacuum/sweep the floors, and pick up ... I would not be terribly embarrassed if someone dropped by. If someone dropped by, they'd see a little messy (which is a huge accomplishment for me - for years I had a house in which I was terrified of drop-bys). But I see that the floor desperately needs mopping, and I feel the sticky handprints everywhere, because we made a dessert treat last night that went way stickier than it should have, and the 6 and 8 year olds got a marvellous amount on their hands, and that the olders did the bare minimum on the counters and handwashing, and we have to work on work ethic AGAIN/STILL.


Which brings up a ramble. My kids do work. They certainly do more chores than most people I know. They are a big help to me. But often they do not do the jobs WELL, and I hate to call them back to have them work MORE. How can I help them to improve their work, without feeling draconian?


OK, I'm back off to work. I don't mean to whine. I think it's just that I feel so tired.

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Well just keep doing what you're doing re the kids and chores. It will come with time. My main helpers around the house are 14 and 15, older enough than yours to have learned to be a bit more thorough.


It sounds like you need to get back on your feet first, let us know what the doctor says.

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How can I help them to improve their work, without feeling draconian?


You say that like it's a bad thing :D


Ds13 has still not caught on to the definition of clean so I have begun assigning small jobs and sitting in the room supervising (I read, he cleans.) Every once in a while I assign a job with no supervision. Saturday he failed to clean his room properly so I assigned the job of cleaning the main bathroom in addition to cleaning his room with me as the overseer. We are getting there, slowly, and it takes a lot of effort on my part, but that's my plan.

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I find that when I am that tired everything else is overwhelming. I say skip school today and sleep. Then deal with cleaning in little spurts as you can fit it into your day. ANd I am afraid to say it but you are just going to have to lower your standards when the littles are little. There is only one person in my household that cleans something as well as I would myself. Everyone else does good enough. They will get better with practice and to tell you the truth, the older and tireder you get the less you will care. I hope the dr is a big help. :grouphug:

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It's 10:00 am. We've not had breakfast. We overslept. My kitchen is bordering on filthy. And I am sooooooooo tired. And we have swimming lessons today. And Scouts tonight. Which means that if school doesn't get done NOW, it won't get done at all.


Who knows when the kitchen will get cleaned.




Seriously, although our school is going very well, I spend all my time feeling overwhelmed and tired. (I'm going to go to a doc next year about the tired part.) I'm so tired of housework. The school, as I said, is going well; but nine weeks in and we're all just sick of doing it. (And we've already had a week's break, and we only school 4 days a week.)




Sometimes its hard to stay motivated, isn't it? Especially with chores...its so thankless and boring. You know what motivates me sometimes? Watching an episode of Frontier House or reading a Little House book. Plus, there's an hour spent just :chillpill: ing and letting it go.

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Mindy, shame on you. That is not helping, but I do love your boots.


Go rest Mama Lynx. :iagree:The kids will work better with practice. I'm sending over virtual chocolate cake and nanny to help with the kids and kitchen.


Tammy, who more times than not would rather just do it myself.


Here is the best I can doBallysSeaGalMindycopy.jpg


That is me cheering you on! ;)

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I say give the kids a list of the top chores/things that are really bugging you, give them your best "do a good job or I'll boil you in oil speech", and take a nap - also threatening to boil them in oil if they wake you up. Offer some kind of incentive beforehand if you find they've done a good job after you wake up - a favorite dessert or extra video game time, or whatever motivates them. I have sooo been there this year.

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