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changing body shape question

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Anyone else experiencing changing body shape as they get closer to - *gasp* -50?


I dont have any lady friends older than me ask such questions - I guess that is what happens when you have dc in the late 30s-all my friends are younger.


But, I have noticed just this past 6 months or so that my waist is getting thicker and therefore my jeans dont fit like they did last year.


My gyn rolled his eyes and said "welcome to perimenopause dear - go shopping!". But much of what I read in books and online say the weight gain and/or shifting body fat is a myth.


So, any of you ladies who have "been there done that" or are currently "being there doing that" give me some insight please.


This is NOT about weight gain, I am working out and watching what I eat. This is about clothes that fit that now dont.


Thanks! Off to shop after church!

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yes! I tried on pants for church last night and they were all tight in the waist. I think it is bloating related to changing hormone levels but it seems like I am bloated all the time. I don't have any solutions. If anyone has any natural remedies for this I'd love to hear them. I am trying to eat healthier and avoid high sodium foods. I also use the natural progesterone cream.

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Two words. Two words that have never been a part of my world before. Two words that will cause a little shudder to cascade down your spine, and the hair to stand up on the back of your neck. (Scroll way down, so those who don't have the stomach for it don't have to read it.)














Back fat.



'Nuff said. (Caught a mirrored glimpse of the back of my hormonally bloated body getting into the shower...)



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I was thin my entire life until perimenopause hit. Now I'm 44 and my belly always looks slightly pregnant. As someone else mentioned, the hideous back fat just makes me cringe in embarrassment. The double chin, I want liposuction so bad! The booKs are looking down towards the ground more and more.


And that's not even mentioning the acne, the hot flashes, the mood swings/irritability, the insomnia, the fatigue, the brain fog..... Oh wait, I said I wasn't mentioning all that. ;)

Michelle T

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  • 3 months later...

I'm 45 and my OB GYN told me at my last yearly check-up that my complaints (not sleeping well, eyesight going, weight gain, etc.) were pre-menopause.


There are worse things than getting old - I just can't think of any right now. Oh yeah - and memory loss.

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Yeah. I asked the Weight Watcher lady (I lost 25+ lbs 10yrs ago) because I've gained 8# in the last 6 months and I'm not doing anything differently. She said at my age, 48, the metabolism slows down. :crying:


The Weight Watcher lady is correct that your metabolism slows down in your late 40s due to loss of muscle mass. However, you can fight it by weight training. For every pound of muscle you add through weight lifting you speed up your metabolism by 60 calories per day!


I started weight training when I turned 45 and can not believe the difference.

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I'm 45 and my OB GYN told me at my last yearly check-up that my complaints (not sleeping well, eyesight going, weight gain, etc.) were pre-menopause.


There are worse things than getting old - I just can't think of any right now. Oh yeah - and memory loss.

LOL! You forgot irritability. How can I have so many senior moments when I haven't even reached 50 yet?


The Weight Watcher lady is correct that your metabolism slows down in your late 40s due to loss of muscle mass. However, you can fight it by weight training. For every pound of muscle you add through weight lifting you speed up your metabolism by 60 calories per day!


I started weight training when I turned 45 and can not believe the difference.


Yeah, but I think along with all the other things MamaT mentioned, I find that going to just about any exercise class (and I go to many) has become extremely tedious. I'm making myself go to Pilates classes now. How in the world can they make so many muscles burn when you're not even standing up? Who thought up this torture? I watch the clock the entire time I'm in class (and I go to a variety classes). Sigh!

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