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Ideas on packaging loose trading cards, please!


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My nephew is asking for Pokemon trading cards for Christmas, and I have 250 loose cards here to send him.  Visualize a deck of playing cards about 3 inches thick.


How can I wrap them so that they are concealed, secure, pretty, won't dump all over when he opens them etc.?  I am usually pretty good about coming up with something frugal and creative, but I'm drawing a blank this time.  If the packaging can double as a holder for his cards, that's a plus.  I need to have them ready to be mailed by Wednesday!  Help!

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Baseball card holder sheets in a 3-ring binder.


ETA Hmm with 250 cards that might not be frugal. What about putting them in a small dry bag that you buy in the camping section, and for the initial gift giving wrap the stack in plastic wrap in two or three stacks.

Edited by Seasider
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Also, wrap the bundle in some rubber bands or ribbon so that they don't spill out when he opens the container.


Not as fancy, but you could put them in one of those gladware type plastic containers from the grocery store. My store has a bunch in Christmas colors right now and they were on sale for $2.50 or 2.99 for a package of 2-3 deoending on size.

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