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Obama is a socialist but Bush bailing out the corporate world with 700 billion dollars a few weeks ago (and more this week) is not socialism?


Seriously - what is your definition of socialism? Because I am confused on that one. We can't give healthcare to the poor but we can bail out the rich and then they go out for a $400,000 dinner celebration?

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Karen, I think most conservatives (not necessarily most Republicans) agree that nationalizing the banks is socialistic. That's why so many of them are hoppin' mad at Bush. I'm not sure what the idiots at AIG have to do with socialism; that' just greed and incompetence, in my book.

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I see it as the rich helping the rich. It made me mad and thankfully my congressman was one of the very few who voted no. He is a republican. and remember this wasn't "Bush" bailing out the mortgage fiasco, it was a bi partisan effort fully supported and encouraged by the democrats. Look at the list of who voted against it, I can't find it but I suspect (maybe I am wrong) that more republicans voted no than democrats.

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I am willing to go on record now saying that not only is this socialist, but McCain's boast about "propping up the housing market" also leans that direction. Yes, I also think Obama is at least flirting with it, if not courting it as well. You must understand that I was a Ron Paul loony though, if that puts my views into perspective for you to judge from at all.


Bread and Games...


There are many here that feel we have no where to run.

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Obama is a socialist but Bush bailing out the corporate world with 700 billion dollars a few weeks ago (and more this week) is not socialism?


Seriously - what is your definition of socialism? Because I am confused on that one. We can't give healthcare to the poor but we can bail out the rich and then they go out for a $400,000 dinner celebration?


Bush and who writing the bail out, whose controlling the congress now?


I believe that basic health care is out there for all to access. It does need a major overhaul but not run by the g'ment. My sister has never had a problem getting her children the care that they need nor herself through medicaid and her husband who has never worked a day in his life and has has a stroke and diabetes gets everything he needs from social programs that are available.


Now the excess spending since the bail out was announced that is just plain wrong

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I'm pretty conservative, politically...I really think what Bush let happen is fascism more than socialism, but both I think are bad for the country. Just because Bush was on board, does not mean that I automatically approve of it, I was very disappointed in the events that are unfolding.

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Yeah...socialist action to be sure. What the heck should the government do, though? To do notihing could mean a depression, not just a recession. Shoot...I have no clue what they should have done, or what should still be done, if anything.


Ria (who has some stock and is not too happy)

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I'm pretty conservative, politically...I really think what Bush let happen is fascism more than socialism, but both I think are bad for the country. Just because Bush was on board, does not mean that I automatically approve of it, I was very disappointed in the events that are unfolding.


I probably wouldn't say facism but I agree with the overall sentiment.


Conservatives very often have no problem disagreeing with others of their kind. Conservative publications have raked Bush over the coals in ways that would make the MSM ashamed to call themselves liberals.

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Yeah...socialist action to be sure. What the heck should the government do, though? To do notihing could mean a depression, not just a recession. Shoot...I have no clue what they should have done, or what should still be done, if anything.


Ria (who has some stock and is not too happy)



In a rare moment of congressional honesty, Sen. Reid (before the whole bailout deal) admitted that congress didn't know what to do either. I would laugh but it's too depressing.

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Obama is a socialist but Bush bailing out the corporate world with 700 billion dollars a few weeks ago (and more this week) is not socialism?


Seriously - what is your definition of socialism? Because I am confused on that one. We can't give healthcare to the poor but we can bail out the rich and then they go out for a $400,000 dinner celebration?



Yes, I think Bush's move was on the socialist side of things, and I was against it.


Frankly, in this election, I think we have the choice between socialist and socialist-lite. Either way we are up the proverbial creek without the proverbial paddle.

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Karen, I think most conservatives (not necessarily most Republicans) agree that nationalizing the banks is socialistic. That's why so many of them are hoppin' mad at Bush. I'm not sure what the idiots at AIG have to do with socialism; that' just greed and incompetence, in my book.



Here, here, Leila!


I'm conservative, although I don't identify myself as a Republican, and I'm confounded at some of the choices Bush has made, especially this bail-out. I've tried to remain optimistic throughout this Bush presidency, but I'm getting the feeling that he didn't want to end his already unpopular presidency by pulling the trigger for another Great Depression.


I hope our next president has the um...guts...to make the tough decisions.

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Karen, I think most conservatives (not necessarily most Republicans) agree that nationalizing the banks is socialistic. That's why so many of them are hoppin' mad at Bush. I'm not sure what the idiots at AIG have to do with socialism; that' just greed and incompetence, in my book.

:iagree: Another hoppin' mad conservative here.

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I'm not an economist and I don't play one on TV;) , but dh and I were just discussing this today. It seems to me that the govt. should have just kept its hand out of the whole thing. It may have gotten rougher for awhile, but it seems like the economy would come out stronger in the long-run.


I don't know if I would call it socialist, but it is definitely *not* capitalism at its finest.

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I'm not an economist and I don't play one on TV;) , but dh and I were just discussing this today. It seems to me that the govt. should have just kept its hand out of the whole thing. It may have gotten rougher for awhile, but it seems like the economy would come out stronger in the long-run.


I don't know if I would call it socialist, but it is definitely *not* capitalism at its finest.


I agree. The bail out only postpones whatever it is to come and may have made it worse that it was to be. Somethings things should just be left alone and run it's course. It won't be nice when it does.

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