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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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get some exercise


clean bathrooms

work on Christmas shopping list

baby my dog who has a very sore mouth (vet discovered an infection during her routine dental cleaning yesterday and had to pull several teeth)

make salmon for dinner, since I never got around to making it last night

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Jean, praying that it goes as well as possible! 


Good morning! The holidays were good, and now I have my nephew. He is being very needy, so I'll have a busy week juggling taking care of him and trying to do school with ds. 




breakfast and meds for nephew


To Do:

meals and meds the rest of the day

shower/get dressed

get nephew ready to go out

take ds to ortho because a spring came loose

ds' school: Spanish, math, science, history

study Spanish



Edited by mom31257
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Good luck, Jean. I hope it goes well. Today is a regular day, chores, school, only club practices and judo.


To do:

general pickup

school with boys

kitchen chores

dust/vacuum basement

call Kaiser

make vet appointment

read a little/craft a little

PM practices



Have a great day!

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Mommyoffive, I miss snuggling my babies! Even though mine are almost 20 and 13, they do let me hug them. Dd really misses hugging us while at school, so she at least wants a lot of them when home for breaks!


Nephew did well going out. I've studied Spanish some but need to do more. 


I'm so sad about all the fires in Gatlinburg, TN! I grew up in east TN, and I love that place. I have so many wonderful memories being there with many people in my life. 



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Human care done including a much needed shower.  I missed my shower yesterday because the power went out during my "shower window" on my schedule.


Medical care done including going to Pharmacy #1.  I will have to figure out how to get to Pharmacy #2 perhaps tomorrow since it is in the other direction


Did a very small grocery shop.


Ran the dishwasher that didn't get run yesterday due to aforementioned power outage.  This means that there is an overflow of dishes in the sink but oh well.


Ds is at college.  I go to pick him up and take him to work in a few minutes.  Then it is on to the IL wrangling event. 



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