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Too tired to think. (Mental fatigue) Does anything help? Maybe autoimmune.


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My dd is 23 and has had chronic migraines for years.  She probably has 200 triggers, and she used to joke that even thinking hard seemed to trigger migraines.  A couple years ago she had some red flags for possible evolving autoimmune conditions, which we are watching.  In the past 6 months, she's gotten a lot more physically tired (not like herself), but the bigger issue is that she says her mind feels more and more exhausted.  Like sometimes it's difficult for her to think well enough to keep up a conversation!  It might be at the end of the day, but it can just as likely be when she first wakes up.  This is my dd who otherwise is fit, healthy, very social, positive-thinking, already on an anti-inflammation diet, etc. 


Anything else we can be trying for the mental fatigue?  I just feel so badly that she is dealing with this. 

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It sounds auto-immune, most of us with auto-immune issues suffer some version of the fibro-fog.  I wish that I could give you a magic bullet.  Resting as much as possible helps, particularly resting the brain and body before someone expects you to be "on."  Caffeine helps in the short term when your brain must function, but I think hurts in the long term.  Vitamin D has always been recommended, but I haven't noticed any difference.


Identifying and treating the autoimmunes would probably help the most.  I hope someone here can offer more ideas.

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I'm going to throw out the possibility of Lyme disease. With our son, his mental capacities were greatly diminished at the height of his illness. (And in case it comes up, no, a negative indication on a western blot test does not rule this possibility out, since that test has an extremely high false-negative rate.)


Prayers for a successful diagnosis and a speedy recovery for your daughter.

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My friend with an autoimmune disease unfogged when she took wheat out of the diet. I unfogged with methylcobalamin and high vitamin D as well as dropping wheat...MTHFR genetic variation.

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Good suggestions, thank you.  She did have a workup a couple years ago at Mayo to see if something else could be behind her chronic migraines.  (They do run in the family, but hers seem untouchable.)  That's when they noticed the red flags for an autoimmune.  They did run a Lyme Test at the time too.


I hadn't realized that autoimmune conditions can include brain fog.  She meets with a neuro-chiropractor who recently ran a slew of tests (I think it included everything people have suggested so far!) so it will be interesting to see if there's anything else going on.  It would be so nice if the brain fog were something easily treatable, like low iron.  She also has more testing at Mayo in January.


For those who notice a difference when removing wheat from your diet, have you found that you need to be 100% GF to keep brain fog away?



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For me, it does not have to be 100% wheat free to stay defogged. I can do pizza made with king arthur organic flour (no folic acid added) for one meal, or just ordinary (with folic acid) waffles for breakfast once a week. Anymore and I experience memory retreival difficulty. Carbs at 75g or less daily, and that distributed throughout the day, is very helpful....basically skip bun/bread in favor of lettuce, and no pasta dinners.


For b12, the low end of the US normal scale is not enough to thrive, its just to keep one alive. Make sure to get daily sun exposure for the D.

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