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What kind of pants do guys wear (not jeans) that can hold a phone in the front pocket


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without wearing through in a month?  lol  Ds22 needs new pants and he's almost ready to get some unfashionable cargo pants, but I'm telling him NO. 


He doesn't have this problem with jeans but he has to wear khakis or something like that for work.  They don't have to be "dress" pants.

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Not at all, most pants are 100% cotton for men as stretch materials just sag too much when pockets are filled and in looser fits. And in things like chinos or the aforementioned carhartts the fabric is so heavy of body it doesn't really wrinkle.


They preshrunk but they do still shrink up a little each wash and relax back out. But hard to care for? Not at all.

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Now I know my cargo tactical pants I wear pretty much every single day are horribly unfashionable. :) I knew this forum would teach me something. ;)


Oh, I should have said "unfashionable" because we've had a few friends TELL us that they are.  LOL  I could care less and I like cargo tactical pants for hiking and such.  I just don't want the kid getting made fun of because our family is mainly clueless about fashion. :P  Honestly, he's so rough on his pants at work (a grocery store, but he does a lot of stuff in the storeroom and unloading trucks) that some of these heavier duty cargo pants would probably be the best option anyway!  Usefulness is a better way to decide this, most likely--NOT fashion!



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