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So I had my physical today....


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It was ok.  It was pretty thorough.  I got a tetanus shot.  I'm only confused that every time she comes into the room when I go there she starts off by asking how my stomach is because she sees I was there last time for stomach problems.  I was never there for stomach problems. 


So anyhow she said nothing about my vague symptoms, but could not ignore my insistence that my blood pressure is acting quite wonky because when they took it today it was very high.  Last time it was perfectly fine so she was just like...what's the problem it is fine.  So good because there you have it.  It's wonky.  From one day to the next we are talking vast differences.  So my theory has been possible mineral deficiency of some sort which is a known symptom from long term use of PPIs.  Instead she offered to prescribe me blood pressure medication.  I said no.  I really want to know if there is a cause I can identify that I can address rather than go that route.  She wasn't very pushy about it though so I wasn't too mad.  Just a little mad that I mentioned other issues that she didn't address at all.


So then she asked me about the Prevacid, which is why I went there last time (2 weeks ago).  Last time I went she lectured me about long term use.  This time she seemed very happy about my use of Prevacid and when I mentioned I have reflux on an empty stomach at 3 am every morning she suggested taking Zantac before bed.  Ok so what.  First I'm taking too much..bad bad bad...and now you want me to add a pill?  Ok.


So yeah.  BUT I think she is ok and I am willing to go back.  She told me to come back in 3 months to check the blood pressure.  She will call me tomorrow with labs.  I plan to ask if she tested for magnesium or anything like that and if not I will ask if she will do so because I want to know if this is possibly related to my BP. 


And she signed my dental forms so yay I finally can go for my glorious day of torture while blissfully unaware through the magic of IV sedation.  LOL 

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Not feeling uncomfortable is a good thing. But her refusal to listen to your concerns and the speed at which she'd rather prescribe meds (which all have side effects of their own) instead of testing to verify you even need additional help instead of a modification of what you're already doing? Red flag. Making comments about patient issues that aren't yours makes me a little worried about their record keeping as well.

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Yeah I said my legs ache often.  My blood pressure is wonky.  She kept blaming my blood pressure cuff because I take it at home.  Ok I know those things aren't perfect, but I went and bought a second one and at least the two of them aren't radically different.  AND I've had my blood pressure tested by professionals several times and got strange readings.  I have sleep issues and that's not something typical for me really. 


Yeah the stomach thing confuses me a lot.  I really do not know what to make of that.  I was there for a tooth ache.  They didn't even look at me.  Just prescribed an antibiotic (which is fine).  That is not even close.



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Heartburn is a stomach problem, maybe that's what she is referring to?


Ohhh!  That might be it.  I never see it that way.  My stomach does not hurt.  And I don't have heartburn that is much like heartburn most people think of as heartburn.  My reflux is quite different than that .


But ok that makes me feel a little better.

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Sparkly, I'm confused.


She contradicted herself from the appointment 2 weeks ago, did I get that right?  She said long-term use of PPIs is bad last time, but this time she told you it was fine and to add something else?  Did she explain if/why she changed her mind? 


And she offered you a blood pressure pill, but didn't talk about things that can affect your bp and just said to come back in 3 months?   What does she expect to happen in 3 months?   Or is she expecting you will take the bp meds? 


And, I am not sure but I think asking for a particular blood test after the fact is not going to work.  Maybe i'm wrong on that and I'd be happy to be corrected if so.  But, I think next time they are going to do labs, ask them what they are doing and why, and if you have something you want tested, ask at the time they are writing the test orders. 


Yeah and heartburn/reflux is a stomach issue.  But what about the toothache?   Is that what you went in for today? 


Sorry to ask so many questions.  As you know, you are free to ignore.  :-)


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Sparkly, I'm confused.


She contradicted herself from the appointment 2 weeks ago, did I get that right?  She said long-term use of PPIs is bad last time, but this time she told you it was fine and to add something else?  Did she explain if/why she changed her mind? 


And she offered you a blood pressure pill, but didn't talk about things that can affect your bp and just said to come back in 3 months?   What does she expect to happen in 3 months?   Or is she expecting you will take the bp meds? 


And, I am not sure but I think asking for a particular blood test after the fact is not going to work.  Maybe i'm wrong on that and I'd be happy to be corrected if so.  But, I think next time they are going to do labs, ask them what they are doing and why, and if you have something you want tested, ask at the time they are writing the test orders. 


Yeah and heartburn/reflux is a stomach issue.  But what about the toothache?   Is that what you went in for today? 


Sorry to ask so many questions.  As you know, you are free to ignore.  :-)


Well, yeah I don't know.  Thinking about this more, if I really think this is from the Prevacid, maybe I should go to a GI doctor who might have more experience dealing with people who are on those drugs for long periods of time.  Surely they have seen a few things in that realm.  Maybe she just doesn't know that they can cause problems. 


I guess I have not had good luck and relatively speaking I feel like she was one of the not so terrible doctors I've dealt with. 

Today I went for a general physical.  I went to that practice for the toothache.  Confusing, but during regular business hours they operate a regular doctor's office.  You can walk in or make appointments.  After hours they are a walk in clinic only.  That's where I go for most piddly things here or there (walk in clinic) because those hours work out for me.  I needed to get a physical and I figured why not try that place.  So they have my records there even though technically I never went to the daytime practice before. 

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Definitely go to a GI for the reflux issues. If you have long term reflux you're at risk for several things, so a GI will do a better job tracking it, as well as being better versed at Rx options (and their side effects). You also might need an endoscopy at some point because of the reflux so it will be good if you already have a history with the GI. Not to mention the blood pressure- some of the reflux meds can effect it- another thing the GI will be better versed in. 

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Definitely go to a GI for the reflux issues. If you have long term reflux you're at risk for several things, so a GI will do a better job tracking it, as well as being better versed at Rx options (and their side effects). You also might need an endoscopy at some point because of the reflux so it will be good if you already have a history with the GI. Not to mention the blood pressure- some of the reflux meds can effect it- another thing the GI will be better versed in. 


Yeah I don't want an endoscopy.  So I'm afraid of the reaction if I flat out refuse.  Because I will.  I think I can be treated without it.  KWIM?  I don't see the point in getting one.

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Yeah I don't want an endoscopy. So I'm afraid of the reaction if I flat out refuse. Because I will. I think I can be treated without it. KWIM? I don't see the point in getting one.

You really need one. Gerd can do all kinds of damage if not manage correctly. The scope will show if there is damage and tells a lot more than you think.

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Yeah I don't want an endoscopy.  So I'm afraid of the reaction if I flat out refuse.  Because I will.  I think I can be treated without it.  KWIM?  I don't see the point in getting one.


They'll still treat you if you refuse. But it might not be a bad idea to get one. Long term GERD (reflux disease) puts you at a higher risk for scarring and esophageal cancer- that's why they want to do an endoscopy if you have it long term. You don't want to take acid reducers if you don't have to, so the goal with the endoscopy is to see if they can find anything structural causing it and remedy it.  


I have had two. I promise you they are far less traumatic that the dental procedure you are about to have and they knock you out completely. You don't even have to do a prep like you do for a colonoscopy. As procedures go, they're one of the least scary. :)  You won't even have a sore throat afterwards. Just a better idea of what's going on with your reflux and what kind of damage it's caused. 

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PPIs can also hide the symptoms of stomach cancer. The risk of that is low, but it's there.  Just because the reflux is managed doesn't mean there aren't other things going on.  If you have been on PPIs long-term - though that is a relative term - you should get it checked out.  At least see a GI doc so you can discuss options.  It truly is an easy test.

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PPIs can also hide the symptoms of stomach cancer. The risk of that is low, but it's there.  Just because the reflux is managed doesn't mean there aren't other things going on.  If you have been on PPIs long-term - though that is a relative term - you should get it checked out.  At least see a GI doc so you can discuss options.  It truly is an easy test.


incredibly low


I'll take my chances.

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I've known someone that had esophagus cancer, it wasn't pretty. She went through a lot of treatments, but in the end, did not survive. It is becoming more common.


There is no cure for it.  Only treatment.  So what is that going to do for a person who is told they have it?  They get treatment, suffer, and they die anyway. 


I'd rather just die.  Don't drag me through painful treatments that just kill me anyway.  I saw my mother go through that.  No thank you.  It's a cruel thing to do to someone.  Yes, she felt motivated to live because most people do, but she was led to believe she had some sort of chance at some resemblance of a life and at no point during the treatment did she. 

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If the test isn't going to lead to a treatment for my problem then I don't want to do it. There are 100,000 tests. I don't want to do all 100,000 of them. I don't think this fact needs to bother anyone.

It really can lead and improve your treatment. I am not one to do most tests but this one is a good test. You might think you are managing it well but this can show you if you really are. DH swears a dental filling is worse than the ten minutes the procedure took.

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It really can lead and improve your treatment. I am not one to do most tests but this one is a good test. You might think you are managing it well but this can show you if you really are. DH swears a dental filling is worse than the ten minutes the procedure took.


What treatment could it lead to?  I really need to know this because from where I'm standing there is no redeeming value to such a test.  Will they say...uh yup..keep taking the Prevacid?  Like they did to my mother and sister? 

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What treatment could it lead to? I really need to know this because from where I'm standing there is no redeeming value to such a test. Will they say...uh yup..keep taking the Prevacid? Like they did to my mother and sister?

Total medicine change or even a different diagnosis. For DH- Prevacid was not completely working as well as he thought. Different med and some natural supplements.

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Total medicine change or even a different diagnosis. For DH- Prevacid was not completely working as well as he thought. Different med and some natural supplements.


It works well for me. 


I'm not having problems with my acid relfux.  I'm having other problems, and I wonder if they are related to the Prevacid.  I don't want to turn this into an all out 10,000 test thing.  I just want to know if the Prevacid is causing a problem that I can deal with by maybe taking a supplement.  If not, then maybe I do need medication to combat the problem it is causing.  Or maybe it's not causing any problems and then I have to figure out what IS causing the problem.  But I don't want to add on a test and poking and prodding for a problem that isn't really the main problem.


It's like I went into the doctor for one thing and next thing you know I'm being tested for stuff that isn't related to the reason I went there.  And you know where that leads me?  Nowhere.  I still have the problem and nobody has listened to me.


Fracking frustrating.

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It works well for me.


I'm not having problems with my acid relfux. I'm having other problems, and I wonder if they are related to the Prevacid. I don't want to turn this into an all out 10,000 test thing. I just want to know if the Prevacid is causing a problem that I can deal with by maybe taking a supplement. If not, then maybe I do need medication to combat the problem it is causing. Or maybe it's not causing any problems and then I have to figure out what IS causing the problem. But I don't want to add on a test and poking and prodding for a problem that isn't really the main problem.


It's like I went into the doctor for one thing and next thing you know I'm being tested for stuff that isn't related to the reason I went there. And you know where that leads me? Nowhere. I still have the problem and nobody has listened to me.


Fracking frustrating.

Well, DH only did it to stop my nagging as according to him at the time, it was working fine. Find a good GI and talk to them.

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Well, DH only did it to stop my nagging as according to him at the time, it was working fine. Find a good GI and talk to them.


It works great.  Is that better?




I had a rough week because I had the brilliant idea that I should stop taking it.  BAD IDEA. 


But really it is not my problem at all at this point in time.  I want to deal with my actual problem and not a problem I don't actually have.

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Have you considered ordering your own tests? I use a service called easylabwork.com and pay significantly reduced rates for my tests, fill them at any Quest lab location (you pay online before you ever go in and the results are mailed directly to you), and get results within a few days. No prescription is needed to order the lab work - they consult with a doctor through the service.


I just did my 28 week labs with them and paid about $220 for seven different tests. I had the same labs drawn up at 12 weeks through the loca hospital with a cash pay discount and it cost me over $800. So the savings was pretty significant.




Oh, and when I needed some information and called for help the owner got back with me right away and we got everything processing smoothly with no problems. A+ for customer service.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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Have you considered ordering your own tests? I use a service called easylabwork.com and pay significantly reduced rates for my tests, fill them at any Quest lab location (you pay online before you ever go in and the results are mailed directly to you), and get results within a few days. No prescription is needed to order the lab work - they consult with a doctor through the service.


I just did my 28 week labs with them and paid about $220 for seven different tests. I had the same labs drawn up at 12 weeks through the loca hospital with a cash pay discount and it cost me over $800. So the savings was pretty significant.




Oh, and when I needed some information and called for help the owner got back with me right away and we got everything processing smoothly with no problems. A+ for customer service.


Not allowed in my state.  The labs don't cost me anything. That's not the expensive stuff.  As soon as they start forking around...that's the expensive stuff. 

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Yeah I said my legs ache often.  My blood pressure is wonky.  She kept blaming my blood pressure cuff because I take it at home.  Ok I know those things aren't perfect, but I went and bought a second one and at least the two of them aren't radically different.  AND I've had my blood pressure tested by professionals several times and got strange readings.  I have sleep issues and that's not something typical for me really. 


Yeah the stomach thing confuses me a lot.  I really do not know what to make of that.  I was there for a tooth ache.  They didn't even look at me.  Just prescribed an antibiotic (which is fine).  That is not even close.


You could simply have white coat syndrome when it comes to the varying BP readings.

I wondered as well if she thought of heartburn as stomach problem.

Main thing is you did not feel intimidated or uncomfortable.

Can you ask her one question at a time and see if she addresses all issues?


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Not allowed in my state. The labs don't cost me anything. That's not the expensive stuff. As soon as they start forking around...that's the expensive stuff.

I didn't realize that was illegal in some states, how strange. I had an order from my doctor but didn't end up needing it. A wise their staff physician reviewed the order instead.

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You could simply have white coat syndrome when it comes to the varying BP readings.

I wondered as well if she thought of heartburn as stomach problem.

Main thing is you did not feel intimidated or uncomfortable.

Can you ask her one question at a time and see if she addresses all issues?



Yeah I like the idea of asking one question at a time.  I was very nervous and it felt all over the place.  Geesh I even started breaking out in hives all over my chest.  I didn't even notice until she pointed it out. 


It was a big deal that I even made it there in the first place. 

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It was ok.  It was pretty thorough.  I got a tetanus shot.  I'm only confused that every time she comes into the room when I go there she starts off by asking how my stomach is because she sees I was there last time for stomach problems.  I was never there for stomach problems.  My guess is the stomach problem, was someone coding the visit wrong so there is a code in your file for that, or it is they layman's interpretation of GERD.   Next time ask her about it, so it can be removed, or assigned a more appropriate code.  Sometimes MAs or Nurses do not know what to put when they first interview you, so they put a very broad term in, so the don't lead the doctor astray. 


So anyhow she said nothing about my vague symptoms, but could not ignore my insistence that my blood pressure is acting quite wonky because when they took it today it was very high.  Last time it was perfectly fine so she was just like...what's the problem it is fine.  So good because there you have it.  It's wonky.  From one day to the next we are talking vast differences.  So my theory has been possible mineral deficiency of some sort which is a known symptom from long term use of PPIs.  Instead she offered to prescribe me blood pressure medication.  I said no.  I really want to know if there is a cause I can identify that I can address rather than go that route.  She wasn't very pushy about it though so I wasn't too mad.  Just a little mad that I mentioned other issues that she didn't address at all.  Maybe she doesn't want to 'borrow trouble' and wants to wait for the test results before she looks into the more vague issues.  BP is known to fluctuate throughout the day, even one after another in the same location.  If your blood work comes back normal, then I would make an appointment to discuss the BP meds.  If your labs show a deficiency, or even a low normal, I would ask for recommendation to safely supplement and a retest in 6 weeks or so.  That will give you time to build up your vitamin/mineral stores.  You need to test at similar times per day, when you are not active for 10 minutes or so.  I am sure there are recommendations online to learn to take your BP at the right time, and to document it so that the scores mean something to your doctor.  So, many things affect BP, that it is hard to know what it causing it to be wonky.  If you get normal labs, and if it is high more than it is not high, you may want to treat it  with blood pressure meds, and see if it stabilizes. 


So then she asked me about the Prevacid, which is why I went there last time (2 weeks ago).  Last time I went she lectured me about long term use.  This time she seemed very happy about my use of Prevacid and when I mentioned I have reflux on an empty stomach at 3 am every morning she suggested taking Zantac before bed.  Ok so what.  First I'm taking too much..bad bad bad...and now you want me to add a pill?  Ok.  So, she knows she already told you about long term use, so she doesn't need to cover that with you again.  You tried to stop and got worse (expected, if you abruptly stopped it) so she says go ahead and take it but add Zantac.  My guess is that once you get started on the Zantac, she will then advise you on how to taper off the Prevacid without the horrible rebound effect that you discovered.  Going off a PPI seriously (!) takes a bit of a taper and often involves adding other meds to relieve the discomfort in the mean while. Her advising you to take Zantac, makes me think that it is what she is moving towards.  When you were blocking the Proton Pump message, your body could have tried to increase the acid to counter the effect of the PPI.  Going off it abruptly, turned those pumps back on....at the new higher rate.


So yeah.  BUT I think she is ok and I am willing to go back.  She told me to come back in 3 months to check the blood pressure.  She will call me tomorrow with labs.  I plan to ask if she tested for magnesium or anything like that and if not I will ask if she will do so because I want to know if this is possibly related to my BP. If she ran a complete metabolic set, they would all be in there. If you asked her specifically about your mineral/electrolyte levels, I would expect that she ran one.


And she signed my dental forms so yay I finally can go for my glorious day of torture while blissfully unaware through the magic of IV sedation.  LOL  yeah!



(((Hugs))).  It sucks to know there is something wrong, but to feel like you were blown off.  I hope this is the first step to figuring it all out!


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I have to laugh. I mentioned the achiness problem and said it was mostly in my legs.  So the assistant told me to take off all my clothes and put on the gown.  I kinda looked at her like what the.  I figured the top stuff "ok" but the bottom?   What?  So she said oh yeah so she can check your legs.  Check my legs?  For what?  Oh because you said they ache. 




She never looked at my legs.  Of course not.  There is nothing to see there.  I said my legs ache.  I didn't say they have started looking weird.


Man I don't know if I'm just nuts or what.  I wish I could bring an very outspoken obnoxious person with me when I go.  You know, like me how I am on-line except in person.  LOL

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Well I hope they don't root around in you with a pointy stick, I don't think it sounds warranted. A magnesium deficiency is a very sensible thing to consider, along with b-12 levels, and similar wellness tests that aren't necessarily routinely sought out but common in the population when you have meds that directly affect absorption and digestion.

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No, I really do not need one.


It's managed just fine.

Except that you said you wake up every morning at 3 am with heartburn, so that's going to be causing damage, even if you're fine the rest of the day.


Believe me, I get it. I'm working up the nerve for a colonoscopy myself. But endoscopy really is an easy test, and it may help you manage your GERD better than it is now.


Also, I know someone who had esophageal cancer, and while it wasn't a walk in the park, he is now considered cured and is enjoying watching his grandkids grow up.




ETA: If you think magnesium might be the problem, have you tried supplementing on your own? Just don't take it when you take your PPI. I have to take thyroid meds, so I just take them at bedtime instead. Maybe that would help narrow things down for you?


Honestly, when it comes to nonspecific stuff like this, I have very little faith in the conventional medical community. Can you go see an integrated medicine specialist?

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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Except that you said you wake up every morning at 3 am with heartburn, so that's going to be causing damage, even if you're fine the rest of the day.


Believe me, I get it. I'm working up the nerve for a colonoscopy myself. But endoscopy really is an easy test, and it may help you manage your GERD better than it is now.


Also, I know someone who had esophageal cancer, and while it wasn't a walk in the park, he is now considered cured and is enjoying watching his grandkids grow up.




No I don't have heartburn.  I cough from the reflux, but nothing comes up or out.  Nothing at all because there is nothing there.

I take a relatively low dose of Prevacid.  I think she was just suggesting something less problematic to add rather than upping the dose. 


I don't believe it will make a difference in my GERD and that is 100% my reasoning for not bothering.  Nobody has told me about other treatments.  I have taken three different drugs and the one that worked the best was Prevacid.  So what else is there?  These drugs are all very similar too. 


There is no cure from what I read and no I'm not willing to go through that. 

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I'm going to be extra annoying here, and maybe I've missed this because I'm kind of new, but have you been to a chiropractor?  If you are out of alignment, it can cause digestion issues, even heartburn, and sore legs.  After my last baby, I started getting concerned about a blood clot because of how achy one of my legs was.  My midwife thought it was okay, but told me to watch closely.  I opted to go to the chiropractor, and was pleased with how quickly I recovered.  It's a go to fix for me now.


No, not really my thing. 

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ETA: If you think magnesium might be the problem, have you tried supplementing on your own? Just don't take it when you take your PPI. I have to take thyroid meds, so I just take them at bedtime instead. Maybe that would help narrow things down for you?


Honestly, when it comes to nonspecific stuff like this, I have very little faith in the conventional medical community. Can you go see an integrated medicine specialist?


I bought some and she said not to take them.  I took one tonight.  So yeah my plan is to just take them.  I want to see if it does anything.  I see her in three months.  If I'm so stubborn anyways I might as well deal with it myself.


I don't know what an integrated medicine specialist is.

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I bought some and she said not to take them.  I took one tonight.  So yeah my plan is to just take them.  I want to see if it does anything.  I see her in three months.  If I'm so stubborn anyways I might as well deal with it myself.


I don't know what an integrated medicine specialist is.

What was her reasoning for not taking the magnesium? That's weird! People take magnesium for a million reasons, there's no reason not to that I can see. I totally would.




It sounds hippy dippy, but IME, they're more thorough and are way more open to looking for actual causes and solutions instead of going right for treating the symptoms. They're more likely to order the extensive tests etc. that you may want. There are a few around here that are actual MDs, so there's a chance you may find one on your health plan, but usually you're going to be paying OOP for them. Do you have OON coverage at all?

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I bought some and she said not to take them.  I took one tonight.  So yeah my plan is to just take them.  I want to see if it does anything.  I see her in three months.  If I'm so stubborn anyways I might as well deal with it myself.


I don't know what an integrated medicine specialist is.

I would wait until you get the lab results before you supplement.  You want to get a real baseline score, not an artificially inflated one due to supplements.  If she did the metabolic panel and has your scores, and your numbers are not too high, then discuss supplementing.  But I wouldn't take them until you get that test (unless she refuses to test you, then move on to another doc) taken and the results back. 

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What was her reasoning for not taking the magnesium? That's weird! People take magnesium for a million reasons, there's no reason not to that I can see. I totally would.




It sounds hippy dippy, but IME, they're more thorough and are way more open to looking for actual causes and solutions instead of going right for treating the symptoms. They're more likely to order the extensive tests etc. that you may want. There are a few around here that are actual MDs, so there's a chance you may find one on your health plan, but usually you're going to be paying OOP for them. Do you have OON coverage at all?


her two comments were "it's not important" and "we get it from the food we eat"

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I would wait until you get the lab results before you supplement.  You want to get a real baseline score, not an artificially inflated one due to supplements.  If she did the metabolic panel and has your scores, and your numbers are not too high, then discuss supplementing.  But I wouldn't take them until you get that test (unless she refuses to test you, then move on to another doc) taken and the results back. 


she will call me tomorrow with the results


I did the test today


I'm just not totally sure which tests she did.

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I would wait until you get the lab results before you supplement.  You want to get a real baseline score, not an artificially inflated one due to supplements.  If she did the metabolic panel and has your scores, and your numbers are not too high, then discuss supplementing.  But I wouldn't take them until you get that test (unless she refuses to test you, then move on to another doc) taken and the results back.



That's a good point. Might as well get the labs done first, if she's going to order them.


Here's an example of how much further IM might go than a typical allopathic doc:



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What was her reasoning for not taking the magnesium? That's weird! People take magnesium for a million reasons, there's no reason not to that I can see. I totally would.




It sounds hippy dippy, but IME, they're more thorough and are way more open to looking for actual causes and solutions instead of going right for treating the symptoms. They're more likely to order the extensive tests etc. that you may want. There are a few around here that are actual MDs, so there's a chance you may find one on your health plan, but usually you're going to be paying OOP for them. Do you have OON coverage at all?


Oh see he seems ok except I'd rather someone who believes in low carb.


And he better not pray over me.  LOL

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I bought some and she said not to take them. I took one tonight. So yeah my plan is to just take them. I want to see if it does anything. I see her in three months. If I'm so stubborn anyways I might as well deal with it myself.


I don't know what an integrated medicine specialist is.

Integrative medicine is something I use. It's a combo of allopathic and naturopathic care, in my case my doctor is an MD but is willing to work outside the box instead of just declaring everything woo that isn't strictly the establishment line. So we deal with my hormones and massive health fail, but we also look at what I'm eating, how I'm sleeping, and tend to focus on least invasive to most invasive solutions. I really appreciate having the best treatment available regardless of whether it is Chinese herbology, a cortisol test, or an MRI. They integrative medicine doctors can handle it all and tend to have staffs with a variety of caregivers - everyone from MD/ANP to certified massage therapists.

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