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Swim Moms-question for you:


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Would it be possible to be a competitive swimmer and have a family policy of no sports on Sundays?


I did USA swimming for years, and while I remember some big meets going Saturday and Sunday, I don't remember it being every single one. Now that my son is new to competitive swimming, I'm finding the meet schedules here to go over two days for all meets. And the way they spread the events out varies by meet.


My guy is still novice, so no one is mandating meets or events and there is no pressure at all. But, I'm afraid this is going to be a sticky wicket in the future.

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As he moves up in levels, Sunday will likely become mandatory, because certain events in which his coach will want him to compete will be on Sunday. We had a friend drop swimming for that reason. 


An aside, we moved to the South 7 years ago. At the the time other sports here (Little League, club soccer, club volleyball) seemed to have an unwritten "no Sunday events before 1 pm" rule. That seems to have gone away (along with the Blue Laws that kept me from buying gardening stuff Sunday mornings!)

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One of mine swam USA swimming and those meets didn't start till noon on Sunday. Another one swam for the YMCA and the "over 13" swam 7am-noon ish on Sundays. Ask around there may be a league that fits your needs.


My personal priority was to have all the meets be within driving distance. I didn't want to away in a hotel all weekend.

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The swim club we are a part of has a policy that no meets are required. You can also come just on Saturday or just on Sunday or whatever suits your schedule. You just have to let the coach know by the sign up deadline what part of the meet your child will attend. Almost every meet has Sunday morning component, though, so I would imagine you would eventually need to swim Sundays to be competitive. In my area, the 13 & up swimmers are in the morning session.

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Thanks for weighing in everybody. :) It is not a big deal right now, I am just wondering how it would be going forward in the sport.


And we aren't at church all day, but we are those weirdos that keep the Sabbath, so it's not just an issue of missing Sunday morning and showing up later in the day.


Right now his selection of events he can actually do is pretty small anyway and it's a bummer if they are scheduled on a day we can't go to the meet.

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We are on both team gymnastics and swim team, but we do them at the Y.  The directors for both are ok with our stated policy that we don't compete on Sunday.  I would not expect a private gym or swim team to give the same deference.  You should ask ahead and of time.  What we have to do is pay for all the meets (gymnastics) and then simply not go.  The cost of that is astronomical, because most meets for gymnastics are $75-100, sigh.  You literally don't know till a few days before what day your level will be competing. The swim team here lets you register by meet and so far the ones I wanted all fell, for him, on Saturdays.  There will be Sunday meets, but they're easily skipped and won't cost us anything to skip.


I think it's something you just have to decide as a family.  With the amount of sports we do, it wouldn't just be one Sunday, once a year.  You really have to have that understanding with the director ahead of time, because otherwise you can have some really frustrated coaches. And some programs won't even allow that.  If you're not going to be there for every meet, you're outta there.  So just talk with them.  The Y has been really good to us.

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Not if they want to be 'good' at it. Even at a really young age, the 'big' meets are going to be all weekend. It will be very hard to not compete on Sundays. Of course, it won't be super regular. You won't be missing every Sunday, and some low-key meets you could probably leave early and just do the first 1 or 2 days. 

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