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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Dh and I are going away for the weekend to celebrate anniversary #28.  Can't wait until this afternoon when we can leave for our little B&B!


Tidy house


Finish up homework

get kids up 

Holy hour from 10-11

Run errands on way home

At some point proctor Government exam for 15 yo

Do a bit of Latin with them

Pack for the weekend



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I'm glad it's Friday.  I do have a few stressful work things today, but come 6pm I think the clients will lay off at least.  :P


  • Get the kids up & off to school.
  • Pet care.
  • Clean kitchen & some clutter.
  • Work.
  • Stretches & exercise.
  • A little reading.
  • Wish my sister happy birthday.
  • Kids' work.
  • Out to dinner.
  • A couple old shows on DVD.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work or sleep?
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Happy Anniversary, Faithr!


I am glad it is Friday! 



drop kids at tutorial

budget     nope, bumping this til tomorrow. ran errands and not enough time now.

make lunch

picnic with friends after class

housework - lots!

dog park or longish walk

take Dd to service project


dinner - chx enchiladas



Edited by ScoutTN
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Okay, here we go.



Kitchen floor




Kitty litter


Vacuum living room


Dinner & cleanup


Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?ETA: Oh! Pie! I cooked pumpkin. We need to make it into pie or something.

Edited by whitehawk
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Good morning! I slept in a little after a terrible night's sleep. So tired of that, there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why I have a terrible night. On to the list!


To do:

school with boys

clean bathrooms

dust house

kitchen chores


read a little

watch some of dd1's meet (ESPN ACC network extra-let's fill this airtime!)

PM practice swim/swim/aikido


Have a great day!

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Happy Anniversary Faith!


Jean, I'm with you - can't believe it's Friday! :)



Picked up DS teeth x-rays

Run to the U to consult for wisdom teeth removal

Pick up fruit for the scouting volunteer stuff tomorrow





You know, I feel like a homeschool mom day and I do not have "those" friends here.  Could ya'all just bring the kids over for boardgames today and playing outside while we all drink coffee and laugh for a while?  I could use some 'o that today and I left it behind in Oregon.  Sigh.

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Weekends are always busy for me!




*wake up!

*do a bit of writing for my NaNoWriMo project

*make sure kids get to their schooling

*possibly some laundry

*grading/reviewing some school work

*a nap?

*meeting my husband for a lunch meeting

*possibly a movie with hubby

*dinner with a friend tonight


Saturday and Sunday include:

*Farmers Market

*free writers' conference

*one appointment

*possibly church on Sat eve

*my girl's Senior photo shoot on Sunday ( how is that even possible??)

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