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Deep breathing/sighing...lung problems vs dramatic


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I have lung issues. And I do not know what leads to this..if I forget to breathe sometimes, or if I just need extra air sometimes...I was in the hospital a lot when I was a baby over breathing issues, anyway...sometimes, I take a deep breath. When I do, someone always has to say "what is wrong?" or something. I try to explain it is lung issues, but I get clear doubt from it. People do not seem to think taking a deep breath could be for actual oxygen.


Anyone else have this issue? I have actually had where I caught myself doing it and tried to escape from a room before I breathed. It caused a little bit of a panic attack feeling as I felt like I was not getting the air I needed. If you have this issue, what do you say when it happens so people around you don't get upset over it? In public, someone always has to remark. Of course, not in public, my husband remarks, but I can deal with that.

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'air hunger' can be an indicator of adrenal issues.


I've  found yoga is very beneficial for my breathing. when I do it consistently (I've had health problems interfering), I just automatically breath better - even to where it feels like the air is down to the bottom of my lungs.


eta: and anxiety can cause that as well - even if you aren't consciously aware of the anxiety, it could be anxiety.

Edited by gardenmom5
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'air hunger' can be an indicator of adrenal issues.


I've  found yoga is very beneficial for my breathing. when I do it consistently (I've had health problems interfering), I just automatically breath better - even to where it feels like the air is down to the bottom of my lungs.


eta: and anxiety can cause that as well - even if you aren't consciously aware of the anxiety, it could be anxiety.

I have Hashimotos also.

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I'm sorry people are insensitive.


I feel like I can tell the difference between a deep breath and a dramatic sigh but even if I got it wrong I would believe someone's answer to "is anything wrong?"


Do you already have a set answer you could repeat? "Nothing's wrong! Just taking a deep breath!"

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The sighs are a huge indicator of B12 deficiency.




This was my biggest issue when I had mine tested. Since treating mine, this has all gone away.

I get that feeling where I feel like I need to sigh or yawn to get a deep breath. I supplement with sublingual B12 for awhile and it goes away, then I forget and stop taking it. 🙄
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Interesting question, OP.  I stop breathing, too, and then take very deep breaths/sigh.  It never occurred to me that it could be a continuation of the breathing difficulty I had as a preemie.  I have sleep apnea, too, but my sleep study showed that most of my central apneas happened after I awoke.  Thank you for bringing up the question. 

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I never had lung issues until the past few years. I started having an intermittent problem like what you described after a bad chest cold. I had it so bad last fall I went to the doctor for an exam. I was waking from a sound sleep gasping for air, and had a hard time catching my breath all day long. Doctor didn't find anything, but prescribed an inhaler to see if it would help my symptoms. Problem recurred recently with no chest tightness, cough, wheezing, or phlegm, but when I tried the inhaler I coughed up stuff for 15-20 minutes. Not sure what that's about, but have you tried an inhaler?

Edited by Amy in NH
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I'm not sure if what you describe is the same issue I have. I have this weird gasping issue(I can't even describe it properly because I can't really remember what I do since I haven't done it in a while) that I do and it really throws people off sometimes. My response is always, "oh it is just something I do. I'm good." No one has ever questioned me further.

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