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QUICK.....please help my daughter


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My daughter has mild acne on her face.  About a month ago she used Neutragena Rapid Spot treatment on her face with great results.  Then all of a sudden it stopped working, so we switched to some different products, which also worked for a while..and then stopped working.  So last night we switched back to the first stuff.  This morning she woke up with red splotches all over her face.  (that never happened before).  The redness doesn't hurt or itch...it just looks bad. What can I do so the redness goes down before church tomorrow??



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The intense acne treatments usually have some mild acidic ingredient to get rid of the bacteria and dead skin cells. I would just use the hydrocortisone and let the skin heal. Do the least possible. (Though Benadryl shouldn't hurt.)


If you look online, you may find others who have experienced skin reactions to the creams. That will allow you to confirm the cause. Be cautious about over-doing it with the hc on her face. It will thin the skin over time. Just a light coating to get the skin to heal and then leave it be. 

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I would not use steroid cream (cortisone or otherwise) on my face. Could be overly cautious, but I was always cautioned against it when my DS had bad eczema because skin on the face is thinner/more delicate.


I would try an otc allergy med. This once happened to my son, only it was hair product that got on his pillow after a hair cut at a new place.

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No hot water, no scrubbing. A very mild hydrating cream or ointment only. Personally, I'd use Aveeno Baby eczema cream, but I keep that on hand. i wouldn't use anything else except maybe cortisone ointment (not the cream, as other said, the cream has stuff that can cause more irritation)

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Ice can help to reduce the swelling and make it feel better.  Try wetting a few washcloths, wringing them out, and sticking them in the freezer for an hour.  She can then place one over her face for a bit whenever she wants to reduce the swelling.  


Be careful with using any products or medicated soaps to treat her acne for a while.  Overly dry or damaged skin can actually cause more acne, so for now, treating her oily spots with anything beyond blotting papers could create a vicious cycle.  Let her skin heal completely before resuming treatment. Then don't let her forget that the key to preventing acne isn't to dry out her skin, but to gently cleanse and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.  http://www.acneeinstein.com/dry-skin-acne-cause-and-treatment/



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