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If you are hypoglycemic...

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I was never officially diagnosed, and my metabolism has changed a lot since I was younger. But I know what I could NOT eat in the morning: Any cereal or carbohydrate that does not have a high fiber content, or that has a high sugar content, orange juice, white-bread toast.


Bran flakes with whole milk and a piece of fresh fruit are what I regularly have. I also eat oatmeal with milk and cinnamon, and NO sugar, and fresh fruit; plain yogurt with oats, nuts and fresh fruit mixed in; A cheese omelet, piece of whole grain toast and fruit; A homemade "egg mcmuffin", homemade biscuits and pancakes without jelly or syrup (I will sometimes spread a little applesauce or applebutter on my pancakes); leftover pizza :-)


Really it is whatever I can eat that doesn't make me feel crazy, light headed, and half starved by 10 a.m.

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Protein based meals.


Which is why when i was in 7th & 8th grade and rode my bike to school, and spent my lunch money on M&M's and a coke for breakfast - i was in BADDDD shape by 10am-ish.


My blood sugar is just low, i have no official hypoglycemia diagnosis - but it's rarely over 75, if it does get higher - the drop is painful.


Low carb eating was perfect. There are some good breakfast ideas/recipes at low-carb friends.

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I have to avoid grains for breakfast....even whole grains unless I plan on eating again very soon.


Best for me is protein, non-grain carbs (ie fruit, sweet potato, winter squash).


Whey protein powder (around 20g serving no added sugar)

frozen berries (to texture)

2 T coconut *milk* (not the low fat.....that's just watered down coconut milk)

1/2 banana (not usually)


it's not so tasty (or so I hear from my kids) but it works well for me and is quick and easy.



otherwise I eat leftover dinner......stir fry.....wild salmon with veggies/beans.....tuna/bean/caper salad.......green salad with some meat and/or hard boiled egg.


oddly enough I can eat fruit in the am.....but frequently - ie 1/4 banana and apple, then when hungry again, a couple of clementines and some almonds etc. the fruit doesn't fill me for long, but i get a good steady clear energy from eating it. it's hard to explain. the grains make me foggy, groggy, really out of it. fruit is just totally different - but like the grains, i'll crash if I dont' maintain my blood sugar by eating it more frequently.


i also love avocado, tomato cucumber salad for breakfast....but i need to either combine it with a protein or eat more frequently until lunch.




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First, protein:

Eggs - scrambled, omelette, etc.

Cheese - stick, quesadillas (microwaved cheddar on 2 tortillas)

Meat - beef, chicken - large piece.


I find the eggs and cheese keep me more level than the beef and chicken. I have to have protein in the a.m., no matter what!



Large bowl of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest with rice milk, 3-4 pieces of whole-wheat toast, or several whole wheat muffins.

Small glass OJ with pulp.


For some reason, the Cinnamon Harvest keeps me going longer than the toast or muffins, even though there is some sugar in it and all the options are whole wheat.

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Oh, wow! I never considered the possibility of hypoglycemia being a "side effect" of my metabolism and thyroid problems. I know I can feel it when my blood sugar gets low. I feel horrid.


No wonder for the last year I've craved eggs, bacon, cheese, sausage, etc for breakfast.

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I think I have hypo tendencies, and eggs are the only thing that really keep me going. I have two (three if I'm lucky) eggs every morning with whole-wheat toast. I find that excluding carbs makes me tank sooner.


My current favorite way with eggs is an omelet filled with sautéed mushrooms and a bit of swiss cheese. Yum!


I love smoothies, yogurt, and cottage cheese, but these things never keep me going all morning. :glare:

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Oat porridge with protein powder and milk, cream/butter, minimum sweetener (none for me except stevia and/or fruit like banana).


Yoghurt. I am not eating sugar so I have actually learned to like fruit with plain yoghurt and LSA (ground linseed, sunflwer seeds and almonds).


Mostly, I have eggs on toast.

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I like to eat some cheddar cheese melted on whole grain toast. I also like to occasionally eat a fried egg on whole grain toast. I wish I could think of some other things that would be palatable to me for breakfast because right now I am on medication that cannot be taken with dairy. This leaves me with eggs on toast every day, which kind of turns my stomach after a while.



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