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My DH had a brilliant idea. Let's pick the President by reality TV!

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No, really, can you see it?


Anyone who wants can be on, as long as they are eligible under the Constitution.


The first few weeks, you go through each contestant giving 5 minute speeches on why they should be President. The top two vote winners each week advance to the next round.


After that, you have debates in groups of 5 or so, with one from each group advancing.


Then you have simulated crises, one on the economy, one on foreign policy, and one on a social issue. Two winners from each crisis advance.


Finally the last 6 candidates are interviewed for a half hour each,and then people vote.


What do you think? :lol:

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No, really, can you see it?


Anyone who wants can be on, as long as they are eligible under the Constitution.


The first few weeks, you go through each contestant giving 5 minute speeches on why they should be President. The top two vote winners each week advance to the next round.


After that, you have debates in groups of 5 or so, with one from each group advancing.


Then you have simulated crises, one on the economy, one on foreign policy, and one on a social issue. Two winners from each crisis advance.


Finally the last 6 candidates are interviewed for a half hour each,and then people vote.


What do you think? :lol:


LOVE it! Can we drop-ship the candidates into some wild, remote locales? And can some of the "crises" involve crocs or scorpions or rock-climbing something? We can call it "President: The Everglades" or "President: Death Valley" or "President: El Cap" or something!

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I thought that's what we were doing anyway. At least, that's the impression I've had over the course of this campaign, starting back with the nomination process -- that I've been watching a really, really long reality TV show.


Actually, that was my response to him: Aren't we already doing that?

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LOVE it! Can we drop-ship the candidates into some wild, remote locales? And can some of the "crises" involve crocs or scorpions or rock-climbing something? We can call it "President: The Everglades" or "President: Death Valley" or "President: El Cap" or something!



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I love all your ideas! I think we really need to change things so it's not just people with money who can afford to run!


(I'm thinking Obama would have had a slight advantage in any physical contests though LOL. But I could really see Hillary getting into it!)

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I love all your ideas! I think we really need to change things so it's not just people with money who can afford to run!


(I'm thinking Obama would have had a slight advantage in any physical contests though LOL. But I could really see Hillary getting into it!)


Oh, I dunno: DH was hoping that McCain might make the debate interesting and put Obama in some kind of headlock or something. He's a pretty feisty dude; I definitely wouldn't bet against him if it comes to fisticuffs! But yes--Hill could probably take them both...simultaneously. :D


I totally agree on the money. That's the irony in listening to these guys talk to us about the middle class and the poor. Bottom line: You MUST be rich to run for POTUS. I really don't like that.

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I thought that's what we were doing anyway. At least, that's the impression I've had over the course of this campaign, starting back with the nomination process -- that I've been watching a really, really long reality TV show.


That is exactly what I was going to say!! :001_smile:

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Oh, I dunno: DH was hoping that McCain might make the debate interesting and put Obama in some kind of headlock or something. He's a pretty feisty dude; I definitely wouldn't bet against him if it comes to fisticuffs! But yes--Hill could probably take them both...simultaneously. :D


I totally agree on the money. That's the irony in listening to these guys talk to us about the middle class and the poor. Bottom line: You MUST be rich to run for POTUS. I really don't like that.


I really, really don't like that either. Nor do I like the lock our two parties have on the system.


Remember on the SNL skit, where "Hillary" was saying that anyone could become President? But I think that's how it should be. Anyone should be able to run. Anyone who qualifies according to the constitution. Yes, anyone.


But it's a combination of money and the stranglehold of the two political parties; otherwise, Perot would have had more of a chance.

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I really, really don't like that either. Nor do I like the lock our two parties have on the system.


Remember on the SNL skit, where "Hillary" was saying that anyone could become President? But I think that's how it should be. Anyone should be able to run. Anyone who qualifies according to the constitution. Yes, anyone.


But it's a combination of money and the stranglehold of the two political parties; otherwise, Perot would have had more of a chance.


Totally agree...although Perot--AKA Mr. Bazillions--is probably not the best poster child for "anyone" being able to become Prez. ;)

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No, really, can you see it?


Anyone who wants can be on, as long as they are eligible under the Constitution.


The first few weeks, you go through each contestant giving 5 minute speeches on why they should be President. The top two vote winners each week advance to the next round.


After that, you have debates in groups of 5 or so, with one from each group advancing.


Then you have simulated crises, one on the economy, one on foreign policy, and one on a social issue. Two winners from each crisis advance.


Finally the last 6 candidates are interviewed for a half hour each,and then people vote.


What do you think? :lol:


I love another poster's idea of making them live on $500/ 2wks. but let's make it last something like 12 weeks on $500/ 2wks. And not in the same place every week either -- take it to the major cities, the small towns and everywhere in between. New place every 2 weeks.


AND... I want to add in some "presidential challenges."


Like, for example... they are challenged to eat strange foods that might be served while visiting foreign countries. Anyone who pukes is automatically disqualified.


Running the hand-shake/baby-kiss gauntlet -- fastest time with no dropped babies gets immunity for the next challenge.


Press-corps dodge -- most questions answered without actually answering gets power of veto for the next round of voting-off.


The "are you fit to be commander in chief" charge -- each candidate has to complete the Marine Corps' toughest obstacle course. No completion and you're out. Fastest time wins an immunity AND power of veto.


Now THAT would make it all interesting.

Edited by Audrey
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I think it needs to be a bit more 'Big Brother' like. I don't think I should trust anyone to run a country if they can't even manage their own household. Should someone be allowed to command an army if they can't remember which cloth is to wash dishes and which is to clean the loo?!



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LOVE it! Can we drop-ship the candidates into some wild, remote locales? And can some of the "crises" involve crocs or scorpions or rock-climbing something? We can call it "President: The Everglades" or "President: Death Valley" or "President: El Cap" or something!


Oooh, I like it.


How about a version of, "I'm a Presidential Candidate, Get Me Out of Here"?

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I think it needs to be a bit more 'Big Brother' like. I don't think I should trust anyone to run a country if they can't even manage their own household. Should someone be allowed to command an army if they can't remember which cloth is to wash dishes and which is to clean the loo?!



I wonder if any presidential candidate has ever had to clean the loo.

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This, of course, begs the question--just how close to reality is reality TV;)? I think we should have started this back when all the candidates were running in the primaries, not just these last few. IMO, the best ones get weeded out early (when it comes to politics, skepticism is my middle name.)


Along with the eating different foods, living on $500/week, handling a crises or two, going in the wild (all these already suggested), how about a camera to follow their every move (unbeknownst to them) so we can see their ethics when they think no one's watching. You're only has honest & upright as you are when you think no one's watching.

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