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Looking for names for our kittens!

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My two kittens are female, one tabby shorthair the other tabby-calico mediumhair. Their names are Aoife (EE-fa) and Aine (Ahn-ya), Celtic names meaning 'radiant joy', because that's what their energy brings to our family.


Here's a site that links to so many names you'll wish you never started looking :D



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A few years ago, we adopted sibling kitties from my dh's boss, who had found them as strays in the foothills behind her home. They're females, a calico and a tortie. We wanted to name them after sisters in literature. At the time, we were reading the Swallows and Amazons series, which contains (in some of the books) twin sisters who are nicknamed Port and Starboard because of their avid sailing skills. So, Port and Starboard our kitties became. :001_smile: (We also have two other cats anmed Anabelle and Joe.)

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We're adopting 2 kittens this weekend (siblings from the same litter) and need suggestions for names!


Got any ideas? You folks are always so good at this!






Flora and Fauna

Sacco and Vanzetti

Loeb and Leopold

Rodgers and Hart

Ginger and Fred

Ebenezer and Florence (Eb and Flo)

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I don't have a specific name rather some general suggestions. While listening to a show about a school field trip to a dairy farm the farmer had stopped giving the animals human names for fear of some poor 5th grader sharing a name with a pig.


  • name not shared with humans
  • one or two syllables
  • a special (to your family) meaning
  • besides that, anything the kids like :)

Hope that helps!

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Merry and Pippin!


We have a golden retriever named Sam; a black cat named Frodo; and a Siamese cat named Pippin!


We just adopted our last (yes, folks, this is it!) pet---a kitten named----Charlie! We broke the mold with this one. I wanted to name him Merry, so we'd have four hobbits, but my girls like the show "Lost" and loved the character "Charlie", so Charlie it is.


You can see a picture of Charlie on my profile page. :)

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