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Is there an AP course we can start now? AP Comp Sci? Anything?

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My son is getting jazzed about trying another AP class (we have only 1 this year). Are there any AP classes we can start now, this late? Or is it too late?


I was thinking AP Comp Sci perhaps through Edhesive - as it's self-paced right? He has no programming experience though, so can he pull this off?



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Well really - I was leaning toward taking the Intro to Comp Sci through Edhesive beginning now - and then AP Comp Sci next year. My ds just got a bee in his bonnet when I told him about the AP awards/scholars and that National AP Scholar is the highest, but would be beyond reach unless we were taking 2 AP classes this year. So he got all excited about adding to his plate. LOL! So I'll toy with it for a few days yet, but most likely, we'll stick with Mommy's better conservative plan and can strive toward AP Scholar with distinction, if we can get 6 under our belt by end of junior year, as is our plan.

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Tell me more about Edhesive courses. They sound interesting.


Is there a live teacher or someone you can ask questions of? Does someone else "grade" the work? It looks like all the lectures and assignments are well laid out. Are the courses self-paced?


Do I need to know anything about programming to support my student is this class?

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Thanks for all your tips! I've decided it was a passing fancy for him (he's only in 9th grade), and we'll let him continue with his 1 AP course this year (though 3 online classes). We'll plan for 2 next year (with a tentative 3rd). AP Comp Sci we'll save for next year - but will do Intro to CS through Edhesive beginning next week.

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Tell me more about Edhesive courses. They sound interesting.


Is there a live teacher or someone you can ask questions of? Does someone else "grade" the work? It looks like all the lectures and assignments are well laid out. Are the courses self-paced?


Do I need to know anything about programming to support my student is this class?


I'm pretty hands off with Edhesive, so I don't really know all that's going on.  My dd participates on their discussion board, mostly answering other students' questions, but I think there are TAs on that board as well.  I had enough programming background to get her started with python, but I know very little of Java, so I leave it up to the class to teach her.  Mostly my role is to print out the new worksheets and practice quizzes each week for her to complete.  


I believe it's self-paced in that if you are behind, you can work through the assignments to catch up.  That's what dd#1 did.  I'm not sure about working ahead.  

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There is a schedule laid out in Edhesive. You go at your own pace except you cannot work ahead--each week is released the Friday prior.


There are TAs who can help you. If you have a question, you post to a message board. Other students can help and a TA always helps. For certain projects that students can't dhare, there is a special forum where you can get help from s TA. In our experience my Ds got help in a timely fashion. He learned to ask for help when he needed it. It was awesome.

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