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Has your little one ever impressed friends/family by repeating something?

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My dad was watching my boys earlier this week and he gave them each a $1 bill to put in their bank. My little guy who is 2.5 came running back and pointed to the picture on the bill..."Look Papa, it's George Washington." My dad couldn't believe it. If only potty-training could be so easy! :D


What have your little ones repeated that the older kids were learning that has really impressed friends or family!

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My 2yr dd has quite a vocabulary. She told my neighbor yesterday that her dog looked comfortable. She also uses phrases like "I'm so proud of you", "that's delicious", "what a beautiful baby". No baby talk for her. People can't believe she's only 2. Then again when you are hsing they pick up quite a bit through the read a louds and just general listening in on things. She surprises us sometimes with the stories she puts together. She also does the typical alphabet and counting I think we are up to 12 and counting down from 10

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My dad was watching my boys earlier this week and he gave them each a $1 bill to put in their bank. My little guy who is 2.5 came running back and pointed to the picture on the bill..."Look Papa, it's George Washington." My dad couldn't believe it. If only potty-training could be so easy! :D


What have your little ones repeated that the older kids were learning that has really impressed friends or family!


chant Latin (we listen to Latin for Children in the van all the time). They also know a decent amount of Japanese from sitting through so many Judo classes. It's pretty funny to hear them. When my ds5 was 3, he only knew right & left in Japanese.


I did realize one day last summer I wasn't sure if ds4 (then 3) knew all of his colors, though :eek:, but he could tell you about atoms & molecules.

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Yep! My then 2 yo memorized 1 John 1:9 with the rest of the family and everyone thought that was quite an accomplishment. Then when she was 3 she named the Presidents in order and quite a few of the states and capitals and :eek:. lol!

My son's Cub scout leader (when he was 6) could not get over the fact that he wanted to know where in Egypt the food pyramid was.

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when he was 18 months, not only did he know the alphabet song, but he could point to each letter and name it. Also, at 3 years old, he had all the presidents memorized in order.


He has since lost this ability, it seems, as he is almost 12 and doesn't seem to know anything anymore! Just kidding, but pre-adolescence is interesting!

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she was very talkative. She started talking at a very early age but was also very tiny for her age. One time when she was about 10 months old we were in the grocery store. DD was sitting in the cart and when a lady went by dd started having a conversation with her. The lady about fainted because she thought my dd was only about 6 months old.


When dd was a few months shy of 3 she kept on telling everyone that she was two and three quarters years old.


We lived out of state for a short time when she wasn't quite 3. My parents came to visit. We were driving around and my dd pointed to the stop sign and said "look at the octagon Grandpa".


I wish dd was still so talkative. She is 15 now and so shy.

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Oh yes - when Mema and GP toook my 5 yo for his fifth birthday. They were discussing bats. After they carefully explained in very simple terms, how bats go about finding their way in the night and finding bugs to eat, Ds pipes up from the back seat - "Yeah! It's called echolocation!"


Mema and GP were taken aback - but not very surprised - they think my kids are brilliant anyway!! Of course they thought they were finally teaching him some new information that he didn't already know!


I didn't bother to mention that he learned this information from playing the Jumpstart cd-roms that we got from Chik-fil-a!!

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