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777 DOW drop.. interesting that it was on Rosh Hashanah, the new year

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I didn't take that as the point of the posters who said they miss him. He is an interesting personality, and many folks enjoy a discussion wherein a variety of points of view are expressed.

I can only speak for myself, but yes. :)

Edited by nmoira
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on the Jewish calendar.


And, how about this:



the $700 Billion bailout


7 percent decline


7 banks involved in the crisis:


1: Lehman Brothers

2: Wachovia

3: Washington Mutual

4: Bear Stearns

5: CitiBank

6: JP Morgan Chase

7: Merrill Lynch



7 also symbolizes completion.. God rested on the 7th day.


Just a little weird... also, 9/17/01 was the last day the DOW dropped so much after 9/11... that is exactly 7 years and 7 business days til 9/29/08..


Just had another thought... what if this is not just a koinky-dink... what if it is a sign of the times?


IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray.. THEN will I (God) hear from heaven and heal their land...



Or any of the other things you mention. It's the start of a new year, and a time for individuals to repent and make themselves right before God. Nothing to do with end times, politics, bank failures, or any of the rest.


I would imagine you could find a wide range of coincidences happening on any holiday, if you looked hard enough.

Michelle T

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"We're not gonna take it...."
Aw... that's just mean. I don't so mind having one song stuck in my head, but none of them will turn off now -- and they're all melding into one song. :ack2:





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If I had to flush seven times I would have to listen to my dh (who is the conservation nut around here) go on for 77 minutes about wasting water. :tongue_smilie:


No doubt the toilet was a Kohl-er, though. Right? Am I right?


See? It all fits.


(Eliana et. al., I am so so so so so so sorry. And I hope you found that funny and not offensive, because it was a JOKE, people!)

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