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s/o velveeta


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So, what's the alternative for queso dip? Do people who don't use Velveeta never make it? Does their queso have a different texture? Or have they found something that melts like queso? I don't want my queso to taste like cream cheese and I don't know what else would melt like queso with a similar flavor. I don't think restaurants are doing anything different. I guess people who don't like Velveeta just would never order queso dip.


I buy it for queso and generally I use the leftovers to make mac n cheese because my son prefers the box mix to the real stuff. I make amazing homemade mac n cheese, DS is just insane like that. It's certainly easier than shredding different kinds of cheeses and as instant mac n cheese goes, we prefer the Velveeta kind to the kraft.


When people declare they won't allow I product in their house, I wonder how they would go about micro-managing the other adult(s) in their house. I have a husband and a college-age daughter who are capable of shopping and cooking. Sometimes I'm away from home for a few days and I'm often teaching classes in the evening. I can't exactly post a guard at the pantry and I certainly don't want to discourage anyone else from shopping or cooking. I don't WANT to be the only one who does these chores.

Edited by KungFuPanda
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Cream cheese helps, but honestly, nothing I've found matches the melted plastic trans-fats that DH loves when he wants Queso.


The  closest thing was probably spinach dip - made with sour cream, cheddar, cream cheese, and lots of mayo.  A mixture of those might do it.

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It's totally possible to make queso without velveeta.  I don't care if other people like it.  I just can't do a bunch of processed stuff due to food sensitivities so I avoid stuff like Velveeta.  I like to put it in a small crock pot on warm.  If other people in my house bought and cooked it, I wouldn't care at all.  But I wouldn't eat it either.  It's not a moral issue for me - LOL. 



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There are worse things than Velveeta.  


I was once in Manchester, England for business.   Hotel restaurant food was excellent, but I eventually tired of it, and feeling homesick I walked to a "Tex-Mex" restaurant.  It was decorated like a Borders.  I ordered the Queso.   I was served undiluted Campbell's Nacho Cheese soup.   It was even more horrible than it sounds.  


If you are wondering why I would eat at a Tex-Mex place in England.   Except for the hotel restaurant, there were four choices and they were all some variation of American.   Chinese-American, American Bistro, Tex-Mex, and I forget the fourth one.  

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There are worse things than Velveeta.  


I was once in Manchester, England for business.   Hotel restaurant food was excellent, but I eventually tired of it, and feeling homesick I walked to a "Tex-Mex" restaurant.  It was decorated like a Borders.  I ordered the Queso.   I was served undiluted Campbell's Nacho Cheese soup.   It was even more horrible than it sounds.  


If you are wondering why I would eat at a Tex-Mex place in England.   Except for the hotel restaurant, there were four choices and they were all some variation of American.   Chinese-American, American Bistro, Tex-Mex, and I forget the fourth one.  


See, now I would assume that was just veleeta and/or those plastic cheese slices in a can.


I've never thought to make that orange 'queso' dip at home.  I've never thought of it as a food I would eat. To me it's an edible food like substance, like bottled ranch dressing. Don't get me wrong, I eat a few of those types of items, but I didn't grow up eating most of them so I have no desire to search them out as an adult.  That stuff is right up there with gas station hot dogs, it's in a category of things so far from what I would eat that they don't even register in my brain as edible. So I've probably been at a party where it was on a table, I guess? But I just wouldn't think to eat it.

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